What you need right now

Many teachers offer insight into what is unfolding now. Drunvalo Melchizedek invites you to shift form the left brain to the right brain in order to figure out what physical existence is really about. He explains how he has worked with over 70 spiritual teachers the world over, including 14 years with a native tribe, to reach his current position of inner knowing.
Choose to watch the other 12 parts of this YouTube series. Share your own perspectives. What resonates and what does not? is the origin of your own understanding of Eternal Time and why you exist?
Reader Comments (7)
"what good is technology to a people if they discover a human body and human consciousness is capable of doing everything that technology is doing and far more"
“we will discover a human body and human consciousness is capable of doing everything that technology is doing and far more“.
these words resonated with me, because I am feeling, realizing?:) more and more that we are energy , and that we will be able to heal ourselves, we will be able to communicate by thought, we will become more and more self-sufficient.
“ what good is technology to a people”.
these words did not, because when I read it I found myself questioning it, and so it did not resonate. I feel technology is a part of us, within us, an energy of a sort, so maybe in these words he meant for us to question? maybe what are the more natural/nature technologies? and that these types will become more and more aware to us in 2012? or will merge within us?
I ended up looking up the word technology, and came across this. A little dolphin technology:).
"Indeed, until recently, it was believed that the development of technology was restricted only to human beings, but recent scientific studies indicate that other "/wiki/Primates" and certain "/wiki/Dolphin" communities have developed simple tools and learned to pass their knowledge to other generations."
It will not be the end, it will be the beginning...
I like those.
And yes, we really do not need technology at all. We have the sun to photosynthesize our food. We have the earth providing fresh water and all else our bodies need. We have love for each other. Basic technology such as the wheel is probably all we need in that regard.
What a gift to have them available online for free.