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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Soul work invites attention

Soul work is the exercise of learning to engage in heart-to-heart dialogue with your internal voice and also to listen.  This includes initiatives that empower you to explore underlying reasons for all emotions you choose to feel. 

As you consciously choose to detach from emotional energy, learn to notice hidden value and gradually move beyond it.  Consider inner tools your have overlooked or disregarded. 

Suddenly, you realize soul work invites much closer attention.  Allot regular periods of time for soul work to reveal itself to you.  Consider these 5 ideas as meaningful points of departure;

1) To judge anything as positive or negative overlooks the point of where you are and why you exist right now.

2) To appease the ego reflects lack of insight into the underlying strings or hidden agenda of praise and criticism.

3) To choose to be grateful for perceived critics helps you rise above resentment, envy and other destructive emotions. 

 4) To be motivated by power shows you are never fully empowered until you consciously choose to be disempowered.

5) To rediscover inner sight reconnects you with what you are and offers a path and direction to higher potential.

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Reader Comments (14)

Hi Liara,

Soul work is a life long job in which a person is never fired. We have done so much work, yet a lot of work still remains for the ultimate prize - self realization.
September 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
3 and 4 are especially relevant to me - I find reading them soothing

September 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommentersoulMerlin
Yes! I need to make appointments for soul work, because apples and gardens call so loudly at harvest time!

I believe too that I need to use my best communication skills with my soul and clarify with honesty, something I am less formal and get sloppy and then I miss the point or start directing it to control.
September 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatricia
Doing soul work is to be utterly honest, to stop making excuses and to look at all the ways we walk away from our true nature. Your suggestions are great starting points in this process.

Thanks for your clarity!
September 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMiruh
all 5 points feel valid and greatly helpful. seems they would help us to wake up in the midst of our self created illusions.

i am curious what is the benefit of our emotional and ego-ic nature? These aspects are a huge part of humanity.

These days when i find strong emotional responses or things that inspire feelings of insecurity I pause and sense: is this an insecurity or is this my deepest truth and this frees me from a rock and roll experience to a calm look into something deeper. I have enjoyed this relationship very much.
September 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTammie
Hi Liara .. it's that 'splitting away' from the way we usually think (most of us) and the way you're encouraging us to go .. to give time to realise, as we progress ...

"choose to be grateful for perceived criticism" makes sense ..

we should be seeking to serve not seek power.

Thanks - interesting thoughts ..
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
September 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Alexys, from the moment of birth, each person enters the unknown. Soul work is a means to progressively illuminate how you think and feel. A person also gains insight into energy vibration. Every moment and event is shaped not only by individual perception, but also by the underlying intent that is reinforced or shifted in thoughts and feelings. Self-mastery is always within reach for all.
September 3, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
soul merlin, to appreciate where you are every moment can be a conscious choice. The implications of consistent, focused thoughts include unshakable inner peace. This is achievable. In fact, for some parts of you, it already is.
September 3, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Patricia, my new Soul Work e-book will be available on my website later today. This workbook guides readers though certain stages in the personal journey. As a person consciously allocates perceived energy and focus, then that person can also choose to raise awareness of whay they think and feel as they do when they do. This is a topic of self-exploration in my Self-Disclosure: Changes from Within book available on this website. The exercises offer readers the opportunities to embark on deeper, personal journeys to expanding self-understanding.
September 3, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Tammie, the ego is a primary motive for the desire to incarnate in a physical body. Everything you think, sense and experience is all contributing to valuable learning. To sense you are an energy being means you are not only on a personal journey. You are also on a collective journey. This means, your acquired wisdom is shared with everything, everywhere, in the form of energy vibrations. You raise your vibrations as you raise self-awareness and consciousness. If you did not have an ego, you would lose a huge reason for humanity.
September 4, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hilary, brainstorming ideas presented here enables you to give them context in your own life and relate them to expansion. Everyone understands things on their own level of awareness. There is no one way to view things.
September 4, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
1) Yes, to judge anything brings one out of the One Moment by accessing an old and dusty point of view that originated from the perceived past. Looking at anything positive or negative is an indication that one is lost in duality which results in clouded vision.

2) Living through the ego is like being a slave to a single point of view in an infinite sea of potentiality. It is like someone who thinks they own property, instead they believe they own their personality when it is just a costume to experience sensations and vibrations from a particular angle. There is no need to praise or criticize a point of view. Each frequency is a place where one can feel something unique.

3) When someone responds to criticism, they have been triggered by some issue or loop they have within them that they have invited into themselves by some past event. When someone forgives the issue or dissolves the past event that led to the defensive response, one can only smile at someone elses judgements.

4) There is indeed no need to accumulate power, because we are connected to everything and anything can be experienced. When we collect something, we are often hesitant to let go of something because we believe it has a sense of worth to it that someone else would want or envy.

5) Inner sight becomes clearer as we recollect our energy that we have carelessly given to others. When we stop repeating what others have said and start expressing our feelings that we are experiencing before us, then we are on the path to higher potential.
September 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Miruh, as each person matures spiritually, they tap into spiritual guidance in ways they choose to hear. Intuitive skills guide you a certain distance which further prepares you for the expansion of cosmic faculties. They empower you to transcend the logical mind and self-created fear.
September 4, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
1) to get back into alignment with soul-level energy and vibration requires a person step back and get his bearings. Reconnecting with soul is possible as you embrace mystical experience with love, faith, trust and gratitude.

2) Learning to transcend the rational mind is a process which is facilitated by learning to transcend the five familiar senses. As you permit soul to speak, you realize the human mind selectively blocks out information. This is a revelation that raises many issues to the surface worth exploring. As you say, ego is valuable. You choose to know it motivates your choices with the intent to bring you back to love.

3) As a person gradually works through past wounding, he shifts energy vibration as part of healing process. To move beyond the vibrations of hard feelings means you no longer believe in or create the related scenarios. You commit to raise self-awareness, nurture faith in revelations, and trust the Higher self as the perfect guide.

4) Revelations about the reality of unwavering security shift people's values. This also prompts you to detach from the familiar world and its conditioning. One lets go of misplaced beliefs and misperceptions much more readily as illusions dissolve. Everyone has all they need.

5) Inner sight has many layers. It invites humans to close off the external world long enough to reconnect and rediscover sensations of peace, bliss and uncondtional self-acceptance. Inner faculties open you to soul, energy vibrations and simple truths. As you move into increasigly fearless states, more than your mind shifts. You know.
September 4, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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