Lynn Grabhorn & 23 ideas to open the stargate

When you ask questions, and the body offers answers, part of you reaches into cosmic intelligence beyond the body's physical comprehension. The quest of life is part of a journey. Its what makes you what you are, life and in process of opening to a new stargate. What could this possibly be?
Lynn Grabhorn is author of Planet Two, a book about a sister world in a higher dimension. In her view, each person is awakening on levels that are inviting the self to step outside what he has been taught in order to reconnect with the heart and spirit. Some people link the ultimate transformation to 2012. Consider 23 ideas she offers to help you sense your energy shift is opening the stargate into a higher dimension;
1) Death & destruction as humans know them, do not exist.
2) What is truly important is not seen by physical senses.
3) You are not alive by accident, but due to energy synchrony.
4) You have spirit guides that do not judge and only love.
5) You are not alone in this world & this is not the only world.
6) You have amazing untapped, talents and potential.
7) You are a child of the infinite light, a luminescent being.
8) You come from other realities, and incarnate again.
9) You engage in a cosmic game of questions and answers.
10) You already transcend experiences in time & space.
11) You are a pillar for change, regardless how silly it seems.
12) Your are a precious building block of the universe.
13) You are God- creator, here to help create new universes.
14) You are far more than you think.
15) You are capable of awakening all the ancient teachings you had temporarily forgotten to enable them to enrich the present.
16) You will know soon whether you are here to learn, share lessons or both.
17) You are becoming someone who is forgiving the world.
18) You 1/2 unlimited potential to increase the range of sound frequencies you discern.
19) You are in process of shape-shifting layers of energy.
20) What you do with this creative process is up by you.
21) You effect huge changes already, outside physicality.
22) You detach from dogma, limit and expectations to be you.
23) You read energy. You are free to do what you want with it.
Reader Comments (5)
Then my hormones started up and I began wondering what everyone was so worked up about. I also wanted the attention of a girl who was the smartest in the entire school. She had a great smile. Therefore, I decided to play the game so I could get her attention. I was good at the game, but I never fogot that it was a game. However, I got caught up and trapped in a few basic emotions. I wanted to know more about Love so I could reconcile my feelings. So I went on a quest to define and truly understand love. And you know what, I am satisfied with my findings. I have probed it from high and low and from inside and outside. But what is interesting is that I am back where I started, back to that little existential kid with no need for attachments. He is just about fully here again. A realignment.
Now what can I glean from this? I can see that I was conscious of how I got my self tangled in the system and then it took a lot of work to relax my self and then get untangled from the system. Now I can see where others are stuck. But I do like to mind my own mind. But if someone asks for help, I am here for them.
Everything on the list is indeed useful in liberating one's self from conformity. There is truth to it.
But number 23 is tricky. What do you do with your liberation? Do nothing perhaps and just be. Agenda's are an energetic mess. However, there is merit to dissolving tension. Will the Universe itself dissolve fully one day through a collective act of forgiveness?
energy shifts, and the universe is rearranged. Portals open up for new information or spirits to arrive. New viewpoints and vantages are attained.
When we create something new,
entire universes are formed. Circles are withing circles. New life is born. If circles are forgiven, then energy is reabsorbed and recycled.
If a dream comes true, then an unseen infrastructure is created to support the manifestation.
Bridges of Light in themselves are portals.
Intentions create portals.
If we tune into differing frequencies, we open up communication and therefore open up portals.
Please elaborate on number 18 Liara.
Take that further. Recognize every energy has sound. Not all of them are detected or measurable by the human ear. Move beyond the perceived physical world, and the nature of sound diversifies beyond the human imagination. To paraphrase Deepak Chopra, 'one may find it hard to understand soul because the body and mind are within them. Thus, only when you go out of body and mind can you begin to grasp this.' In other words, the range of sensations you are registering and experiencing is constantly growing. You are in process of aliging what you are with what the human mind falsely assumes you are.
Anyone with a particular interest in frequency would apprecaite a recent book by Penney Peirce called Frequency (The Power of Personal Vibration).
Everything is amazing.