The Pay-it forward challenge

In a world where you have free will, you have the power to change the world, one person at a time. Pay it forward is a concept that means you do something good for someone else without expecting a reward. Some people would say you do something in such a way as to inspire someone to do a good deed. This is the chance to do something big. No limits.
Take it further. The system invites you to do something meaningful to help three people. Consider this a challenge, an invitation to help others. Whether or not you see the results of some of your deeds, share what you know of at least one process. Take this opportunity to share related experience. As Gandi said, be the change you wish to see in the world;
Reader Comments (15)
I'll take yesterday. My daughter had a friend stay overnight, and then in the morning we had a soccer game to go to. The friend had forgotten her shin guards, which are required to play. We had an old pair, but ones that were in bad shape. They could have worked, but she really wanted her own pair. And we were already running late. I took the time, though, to go over to her house so she could get what she needed. Really, very simple. And yet, I think the lesson is important here - the value of another person. And I hope that someday when she's in a similar situation, where it might be easy to rush off to whatever is going on, that she takes the time to stop and see the deeper need of a friend (or stranger).
I love the Gandhi quote, so moving these few words...
If someone is in trouble, you can be their savior. If someone does not believe things can get better, you can inspire them to shift their mindset and question to when.
Teach someone to fish instead of handing out fish. Then you are teaching someone to become there own saviour. If one helps to support a loop that another is stuck in, then the loop is reinforced and continues to provide problems. If shin guards are fogotten, then perhaps the child would not play. If so, the child would never forget the shin guards again. Instead, forgetfulness has been reinforced.
I like this challenge and I have no limits on how many people I pay forward. I especially love the reaction on the faces of people I do this with. They are sometimes speechless and have the same joy on their faces as a child at Christmas. I love this exercise.
Let's say a person performs a gesture out of pure love. It reflects unconditional love toward self. Such a gesture comes freely with no strings, no expectations. Some people do anonymous good deeds and never tell the recipient of the origin of goodness. Lunch appears for a homeless person for instance, and gives him will to live. Some people benefit from a gentle reminder that love is, love exists and that they are loved. The 'pay-it forward concept' can facilitate stages of awakening. Its not meant to perpetuate vicious circles, but to enable people to expand perspective and possibility. As you see self in everything, become everything, then you are opting to help self or turn away from self. To see beyond the personality or persona you identify with enables you to see self as the divine sees you. Acting divinely is to love everyone unconditionally, help others as you help you.
It's just that if we go looking for the opportunity to help others, then we are searching for something to do. If we are just going about our daily lives and one sees something they can do unconditionally, then it is in the spirit of the moment.
However, like any dicipline, we start a routine to transcend the routine. At first our actions are rigid and as we become familiar with the rhythms, we transcend the routine and perform the task without thinking, but by feeling and becoming the movement.
Paying it forward therefore can be transcended to where, whatever we do, it is in the benefit of the universe where all is respected and tensions are decreased. Love has no motive.
In this sense, people can reach a state of awareness where they move beyond simply looking for opportunities to do good. That level of creating positive energy can be useful. Yet, as you sense interconnectedness in everything and energy imbalance around and within, you move from working with the langauge of good to language of energy. You realize you can act to facilitate or inspire broader energy shifts that do not only affect individuals. To move naturally to higher levels of energy vibration and joy grows instinctive. This echoes your idea of doing what increases universal vibration. Its another vantage point.
Pay it forward ..good challenge to have every day ..
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
If someone is lost in a maze, point them in the direction of nearest exit.
What a wonderful challenge! Today I packed up 4 big bags of children's clothing and donated them to a women's shelter. I also sent a bag of towels to an animal rescue mission.
The amazing thing about giving to others is that it easily benefits us just as much as those we are helping.