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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Strengthen a holographic reality 

An unseen structure is emerging. This is becoming tangible in our consciousness. It takes shape in how we are connecting with like-minded or kindred spirits.  As you open senses and perceive energy, you may view this as an electrical grid, or window into a fourth or even higher dimension.

Regardless of whether you currently see auras, you are detecting energy in new ways. The egg-shaped aura is an energy field around you that vibrates and expands with your awareness.  You feel energy shifting, emotional waves rushing over you and falling away.  Your priorities and sense of truth are changing. The former model of hierarchical thinking and organisation is crumbling. In its place, you sense a new paradigm replacing it. Consider a holographical structure.

Let's say continuous representations of yourself are presenting in this physical world and you are responding. You choose to respond with love or fear.  Each response has consequences.  You are observer and participant in this process of evolutionary changes that goes deep into your DNA. 

Imagine that you have the capacity to superstrengthen your immune system.  Imagine that you are superpsychic and are unleashing other abilities that expand far beyond traditional views of 'normal.'  Are you ready to open your mind and bend rigid paradigms? Have you already entered the fourth dimension and choose to view self as still stuck in the third?

As you step back, you encounter people you had not met in-person before.  This is a growing, mutual support group.  You feel a deep soul-level connection with souls you attract into your scope of awareness.  You send out energy vibration, feel incredibly present, trigger incredible revelations and sense energetic memories are surfacing.  Will 2012 bring wider knowledge of the star origin of DNA?  and different levels of  DNA hybrids ? Is well-being evolving in electromagnetic fields?

You join an awakening family. You then expand on this through your multi-sensual experience in a very practical way. This is not a dream. You are remembering more every moment and encountering entities that open dormant part of the mind.

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Reader Comments (6)

When people are truly happy,
there is well-being.
To be happy
one is unhindered.
If one is unhindered
There are no rules or structure to follow.
Structure contains parameters for Being.
There are no Structures in truly Being.
Being is superimposed with total Freedom.
When One feels free,
They allow and respect
The freedom in the choices of others.
And what we choose, we share.
The world begins to operate smoothly.
DNA becomes fully activated.
What was not activated before was being repressed.
Knowledge that was stored
Is now released.
Infinite Choices can be made...
The Sea can be Sailed to New and Old Continents.
Hidden Stars will begin to Shine in our Eyes.
We finally realize we are the Stars.
September 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
If you find your self attracted to this site, it is because it is a mutual support group in rediscovering one's self in relationship to other selves and the universe.

When we respond to a post, Liara is counter-responding to lift one's energy a little bit higher than it previously was ~ that is, if the information is taken to Heart and truly listened to. If the information feels good to you, respond back with how it has boosted or shifted your view. Liara then usually counters again to help more in our re-alignment to discover greater potentiality.

If the information feels vague, ask for more clarification so that you can sense to a greater degree what is trying to be relayed or conveyed. If the message is heard, then a new sense of Self has been achieved.
September 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Bern, in spite of perception of darkness and fear, there is reason for hope. Something within the human heart and spirit will not go out regardless of how dark the world becomes. Leo Tolstoy reminds us, "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks about changing himself." The human race is a work in progress. We are part of a galactic social system that is expanding again.
September 23, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
We are seeds in the dark soil,
and we have begun to sprout,
Rising higher and higher into the sky,
Becoming closer to the source of our Love.
September 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Bern, the seed is like a dot within which all genetic material, in fact all knowledge is contained. It unfolds and expands out into images that are perceived as reality.
July 25, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Knowledge often is analogous to alleged and sterile facts that are stored and ware-housed in the mind. People Often collect seeds or knowledge because they live in a famine state of deprivation. They are often afraid or conditioned to not activate such seeds which can easily be activated by piercing the seeds and touching the core of the contained information. The shell is opened and the possession of the seed loses its collective value. Only an honest and pure hand or touch can then germinate and open up true and unique gifts to the world.

Therefore, Actively Knowing and Using Information Intimately transforms impersonal Knowledge into Wisdom where Green Truth then towers without getting in the way of any other newly sprouted creations.
July 25, 2012 | Unregistered Commenter~ Bern ~

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