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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in new human (3)


Align on every level

Notice the "New Human" is not what is often thought. We are taught we "evolve" into this mode of existence, rise up into a higher, more stable vibration.
Imagine no longer needing a body, no longer requiring intake of food, sustenance, as we come to know it. When people speak of light body and energetic body, this refers to the etheric body. Yet, energetic being is always here. Shifting focus along the light spectrum is not about becoming something we are not already.  It is expanding into and accepting more of what is real and possible.
The Lightbody is a gridwork of light and sacred geometry that brings together our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. This body radiates light energy and electromagnetically links our multidimensional self with the infinite universe. It connects us to encoded data through high electrical currents that enable us to receive , decode, translate, manifest our hidden talents and soul purpose on this plane in the here and now. No low vibrational doubt or excuses.
Vibrating higher, more consistently, allows us to access a wider energy spectrum and results in dropping the physical body. Some associate leaving the body with imagined physical "death". Another view is accelerated evolution is pointing to the possibility of letting go of the lower, denser 4th aspect (body), because that vibration depletes Earth resources. We do not need physicality to exist more fully in the etheric state.
Truth is, we cannot continue to do the same thing, cannot live in the same way. We already draw energy from Earth's life force, her etheric body. We are invited to shift so Earth no longer has to do that. Another view of shifting into greater harmony with ourselves is sustaining purely on the energy of the etheric body. The "newness" of things, change of perspective, is possible now. Expansion of consciousness allows seeing the bigger picture. As awareness dawns, it hits we are insignificant, part of everything that is. Nobody can change us but ourselves. We must walk the path of realizing the deepest truths and realign on every level.



Strengthen a holographic reality 

An unseen structure is emerging. This is becoming tangible in our consciousness. It takes shape in how we are connecting with like-minded or kindred spirits.  As you open senses and perceive energy, you may view this as an electrical grid, or window into a fourth or even higher dimension.

Regardless of whether you currently see auras, you are detecting energy in new ways. The egg-shaped aura is an energy field around you that vibrates and expands with your awareness.  You feel energy shifting, emotional waves rushing over you and falling away.  Your priorities and sense of truth are changing. The former model of hierarchical thinking and organisation is crumbling. In its place, you sense a new paradigm replacing it. Consider a holographical structure.

Let's say continuous representations of yourself are presenting in this physical world and you are responding. You choose to respond with love or fear.  Each response has consequences.  You are observer and participant in this process of evolutionary changes that goes deep into your DNA. 

Imagine that you have the capacity to superstrengthen your immune system.  Imagine that you are superpsychic and are unleashing other abilities that expand far beyond traditional views of 'normal.'  Are you ready to open your mind and bend rigid paradigms? Have you already entered the fourth dimension and choose to view self as still stuck in the third?

As you step back, you encounter people you had not met in-person before.  This is a growing, mutual support group.  You feel a deep soul-level connection with souls you attract into your scope of awareness.  You send out energy vibration, feel incredibly present, trigger incredible revelations and sense energetic memories are surfacing.  Will 2012 bring wider knowledge of the star origin of DNA?  and different levels of  DNA hybrids ? Is well-being evolving in electromagnetic fields?

You join an awakening family. You then expand on this through your multi-sensual experience in a very practical way. This is not a dream. You are remembering more every moment and encountering entities that open dormant part of the mind.


What do you make of the DNA upgrade?

I invite you to watch this video about the ongoing changes in energy vibrations and share your impressions.  What do these ideas about the evolution of a species, and transformation of everything you have come to know, draw out of you? How would you describe the state of your own awakening or not?