Allow things to come to you

You cannot just read about certain things, you have to experience them. You reach a point in life where you no longer wish to talk about things, write about them. You decide to embody them, share the sensations. You no longer describe a particular place, you choose to explore dream realms and transport the soul inter-dimensionally. You transform into your thoughts and raise awareness to a whole new level.
Every person has the option to reverse the conditioning that is absorbed from a young age. Regardless of where these ideas come from, you can use them to step into your own power. Whatever you have been taught to think about time, you have adopted future probabilities of yourself. Any collective thinking about densensitisation disconnects them from what they are. What you sense inside the mind is mirrored outside.
Home is not a place, its a feeling you shift into. You begin to listen to voices that emerge from inside. One perspective is that each energy being is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You create a vision based on what you choose to be. Inspire people to experience his or her own truth. Boldly trust your own vibes. Be aware of what you are projecting into the world. Choose to be gentle, loving and open. Energy and light are expanding.
In essence, you have no need to depend on anyone else for answers. You are in the process of ending an ancient way of thinking, seeing and being. Paranormal events are helping you open to inter-connectedness on a whole new level. This is quantum learning. You are a co-creator in training. One view is existence is a coalescing of spirit and matter. You discover the self through nature. What is internal influence telling you?
Reader Comments (8)
I can really relate to what you talk about in the first paragraph. I have heard many wise teachers, say the exact same thing. And I agree, that indeed things need to be experienced to be truly understood or felt. But as for not wanting to write or read or talk about them...hmmm, well I just enjoy it so much. I love connecting with others on these topics. That is not to say I will always be this way. I like to think that today, I am combining "being" with gaining more and sharing with others.
And I love the ideas about undoing our past conditioning. This is so necessary I feel, if we are ever truly to break through and live life from a deeper depth, a place where we don't just pick up the info of others, we create our own.
I like the videos you posted on your sidebar!
This is a great post. I am resonating with the first part just recently. I feel my "seeking" is shifting into "being" -- and I am noticing a greater desire to feel and experience things, rather than talk about them or analyze them, too. I have even been putting down my beloved camera so that I can soak in an image of beauty, rather than trying to capture it!
I only read this part of this post and stopped as anything beyond that took away from the power of these words, which I ABSOLUTELY resonate with. It's like you wrote this for and about me. These words just move me to tears and I know them as peace in my body. They are my experience. It was so touching to come here and read them. You wrote:
"You cannot just read about certain things, you have to experience them. You reach a point in life where you no longer wish to talk about things, write about them."
Even though I am a writer, my books were written many years ago. Yes, edited since, but they were written a long long time ago. And these days if I NEVER shared, talked about, read or wrote another word about my experiences and things I've learned....and become, it would never matter. I wouldn't miss it at all.
But it's MORE than that. I find it harder and harder and have less and less desire to write or talk about spiritual/consciousness raising matters. I have written in several of my posts that I really have nothing to say. It's like I've BECOME "it" and have no words. If I respond on a blog it is more about loving for me. I feel a great upsurge of love and compassion. I LOVE loving people, "seeing" them. It moves me deeply to love them. It feels my soul/sole purpose in life. It is an easy thing to love, soothe and embrace.
But I could care less if no one ever new what I thought or read what I wrote.At this stage of my life I just AM. I am in love with all of existence, every single day. It's a good feeling. But also a bit challenging when it comes to promoting a book and doing my blog. I have few beliefs, no religion, read almost no books, have nothing to hang onto, I have Nothing....period....and it is SOOOO beautiful. So intimate and peaceful. It just IS. I simply want to experience every sweet moment of life, no matter what if offers. It is all perfect.
Thank you for this precious gift.
Much love,