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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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What is evolution?

Identity is loudly drilled into you by the ego mind.  From this vantage point, you evolve based on conditioned expectations.  In the same moment, who you are is revealed quietly in the heart.  Every human is trained to fear, deny or postpone expanding into the unconditional love.  Alignment of the heart and mind is one perspective of evolution.

All-the-while, you may sense different ways exist to grow and develop.  You are taught to build on what you are taught.  Another kind of evolution involves letting go of all that to make room for what is always here.  How does a person open his heart? Listen to the vibration of inner peace of soul. Put yourself in a place of silence.  What do you notice?

How you think does not truly determine what you feel. As you remove the mind from your perspective and trust intuition, then you shift focus back to the breath and heart.  You exist to recognize you outgrow beliefs and see beyond them. 

Heart is fluid and mind is rigid. The heart feels its way to the truth wheras the mind echos its own judgmental view.  As you open to Self-disclosure, and explore potential for changes within, you detach from logic and feel transformative.  As you allow unconditional love to flow freely, you move from evolving to remembering what is.

"In order to evolve, you must stand still long enough for your Heart to have a Conversation with your Brain." -Erin Dalli

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Reader Comments (4)

Through Silence, what was intended, is Now available to receive. No steps are taken. One is neutral when One is receptive. This is alignment. As the energy is received, a new world opens up. One scans the new landscape. Something resonates. A pulling sensation is activated. One is no longer Neutral. They are now flowing with the positive to the outcome. When face to face with the desire, neutrality is once again interfaced. This allows for recombination or reacquaintance. Evolution can therefore be re-defined as changing in relationship with each Moment to the energy that one is focused upon. It is the full acceptance and re-absorption of Self that has momentarily been forgotten.

Hope is an obstacle. It is indecisiveness. It stagnates a soul from following its feelings from Moment to Moment. It relinquishes one's power to proceed. It is a desire with its brakes fully employed. Hopes are then delivered to the next generation.
Bern, as you imply, there is no need for anyone to resist or struggle. Every feeling is a choice. Human beings selectively forget the art of allowing energy to flow and trigger different levels of awakening. Life energy is everywhere, accessible to everyone, every moment. As you feel you are part of universal current, you sense options to use it in many ways, to channel more or less of it through you. Some people choose to explore other dimensions while asleep as part of their refueling process. You share energy every moment. As you sense everything and everyone is energy, then you begin to sense the constant energy transfer occurring beyond physical senses. This connects not only generations, but also species, the form and also formless.
January 15, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. that's a very interesting concept = the mind is rigid, the heart is fluid.

I'll take that on board - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
January 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, evolution is viewed as some form of change, moving physically, emotionally, psychologically or otherwise being willing to shift gears. To be open-minded is a strength for it opens you to expand.
January 17, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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