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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in Self-disclosure (15)


Review your dream

What if only consciousness, oneness and presence exist and ther perceptions are simply illusions?  The totality of current experience emerges in the now. Your dreams are created by the mind and overlook the timeless intervals between perceptions or the fulfillment of apparent desires.  Notice how when interpretation and perception change, it appears that experience changes.  What is the truth?

Now the world contains a body, which itself contains the mind and invisible sparks of consciousness that are often overlooked.  Notice what happens as you understand the witness that expresses itself and engages in every experience.  This triggers Self-disclosure.


How to create peace in a difficult situation

Some people speak of dream relationships where they always get along with others.  You may wonder how to create peace in what seems to you to be a difficult situation.    Many ways exist to perceive and respond.  Each one tells you things about your state of being.

1) Consider the possibility you suffer from misunderstanding and misapprehension.  Clarify the mind, purify heart and sactify life.

2) Imagine the experience of showing compassion.  Demonstrate you empathize or relate to concern expressed by another.

3) Discern the messages your behaviour sends.  All you do echoes scales (for acceptance/ rejection), motives, principles, and values.

4) Recognize problems created in mind are only ever solved there.  In order to conquer mind, you must take steps to transcend it.

5) Awaken to the role of consciousness in all this.  Sense true nature reveals itself when you accept your role in all that you create.


What ideas emerge from you?

Where do your thoughts orginate? Notice when they stem from peace and joy, and an understanding that goes beyond words. Notice when thoughts invite feelings of chaos, disharmony and fear.  Notice how you react or respond to anger and other emotions expressed around you.  You can be guided, but you make your choices.  Determine when you are ready to go into a new space, to make a shift.

Suddenly, you contemplate. Which point of reference? Which direction? Which apparent guide? As you take deep breaths, you begin to remember what it feels like to let go. You choose to relax, to visit a serene space.  This is a series of revelations.  As you raise awareness, you realize people around you are attracted to the same thing.  You connect, exchange energy, and silently self-disclose.

The more peace, love and joy you experience in every moment is the result of your choice. You have infinite opportunities to make choices that expand you.  Every step you take is a stage of raising awareness.  You may not realize you choose to transform your life.


How to liberate yourself

If you do not open to explore who you are, you do not allow self to gain insight into the way things truly are.  You also prevent self from moving through obstacles and freeing yourself from repeating patterns.  As you choose to do what it takes to liberate self from mind, you not only empower self by zeroing in at the root of perceived issues, but also help others.  To be here means you are ready.

The first step is to feel what its like to observe the mind.  Notice how destructive thoughts and emotions arise and how you choose to be affected in your exernal behaviour. This invites you to reflect on role models you follow, examples you adopt and underlying why.

The second step is to recognize how you superimpose beliefs onto people and situations.  Consider why you choose to believe each person or thing is independent from you, and why perception of polarity arises. Notice how this triggers degrees of remembering.

The third step is to explore how to reduce your misconceptions. As you grow aware things do not quite jive inside, you are drawn to explore beneath the surface, to learn to see through assumption. For sample exercises as a guide: Self-Disclosure: Changes From Within.

Read what people are saying, look out for up coming workshops and share your own views here-


Remember the rules of the game

You are the direct result of thought energy.  This is not only Universal Law, it is all you require to be all that you can be.  To internalize this concept, to feel it to your very core, transforms you completely from the inside out.

In other words, you realize every choice you make, from the nature of your physical body, adopted labels and apparent circumstances, to age and gender, is all mentally generated and can be changed and re-changed at will.

What is your life like as you feel self-empowered, self-generated and self-transforming? To sense nothing is static can be a reassuring point of reference.  The rules of the game are changing and you are interdimensional master.

Self-Disclosure is all about recognizing  how you think and feel so you can peel away illusions and reconnect with the energetic reality.  You are detaching from limiting definitions to connect with ever-expanding, cosmic options.