How is the new Earth unfolding?

Have you ever imagined the experience of shifting a segment of the planet and population into a completely new dimension? If you feel things shifting in your physical body, this may be a sign your frequency and vibration are undergoing profound changes. You only ever experience what you are ready and willing to accept in the now. Your thoughts create the experiences you project into being. Changes related to fourth and fifth energy shifts transform perception and experience. The human species is evolving faster than you may realize. Our DNA is shifting now.
Reader Comments (9)
Another aspect is that as we begin to feel more fully, we can sense energy vibrating at the cellular level. What was once tense has loosend up. If what we see outside of our selves is a reflection of our inner world and beliefs, then as we begin to feel relaxed, the tension of the earth will also relax and unfold. The earth, once heavy with polarity, now loses our negative energetic imprints as we do, and rises to a lighter state of being and feeling.
As you empty out its weight (quiet and empty the mind and energy field of dense charges),
the vessel (the body and the planet)
Begins to rise within the sea in context to its previous vertical position.
Its all down hill from now on and that includes global temperatures.
Hilary Melton-Butcher
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