Take another Quantum Leap

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
Contact us (paperback)
Be Your Dream
Transform Your Life
Cosmic Synchronicity
Notice one is never alone. Instances may arise where it feels like your Soul is slowly suffocating, where part of you is holding back from truly living. You may fear failure, judgment or rejection. If, like me, you’ve felt the pulling in your heart and the weight on your shoulders in different directions, it helps to remember discomfort is part of you. Whatever you think or feel at this moment, relates to memories or visions, energies flowing through your etheric and filtering into your mind and emotions. They are valid parts of your life and ways your Soul may be communicating, asking for attention, healing, or change. Life reveals we cannot move forward or listen to Soul if we always pretend to be happy or avoid pain. It surfaces to be loved and accepted. Wisdom is about embracing every struggle and being fully who you are. Soul often speaks to us through life events. The key here is to be observant, see beyond ego. Rather than ask what you want from life, love, or your calling, ask what is best for everyone. Soul may echo very clearly a new path beckons, you've outgrown a career or relationship, are ready study a new subject, move to a new place or create a completely different life. Or, your Soul may echo to practice patience and stick with your current focal point even though it’s hard. Only you know when a lesson is fully learned or whether you still have room left to grow where you are. Trust yourself. Know also that whatever we experience in our physical, emotional and other bodies reflects how we experience Earth's energy, magnetic fields and ongoing shifts in consciousness.
Sacred geometry by Endre Balogh
Notice that every vision holds power. To harness the power of our unique Soul vision requires unveiling, conscious focus, breathing life into it for all to see our trust, surrender and inner knowing in action. We are each worldbridgers, bridges between worlds (realities) we do not want and those of our dreams and beyond. Big shifts happen as we master ourselves and naturally activate our hidden abilities.
(Image: Sacred Geometry by Samuel Farrand)
Notice aspects of our illusory world must be consciously seen as they are and dismantled for our true calling or purpose to come to light. If we resist doing what feels right, dreams shake us up or tiny pockets of reality crumble to get us back on track. Certain roles, situations or relationships may no longer be aligned with who we are. Resisting what feels natural, or not listening to our inner voice, creates energy blocks. Every external event reflects deeper energetic shifts. They take shape as physical events moving us into greater harmony with Soul. The prime director is your “Higher Self”. Those that guide you to heed intuition take cues from your Higher Self as only you know what’s best for you. Your Higher Self is your Soul. That’s who chose your parents, body, family, friends and situations planned out through experiences. Your Higher Self makes no mistakes. The more in alignment you are with Higher Self, the easier things become. We have each uploaded Source Code to empower us to move ahead at our pace in our unfolding reality. We are already activating many abilities yet not using all consciously. Pattern recognition is emerging as we apply the power of intention. As you interact with what reflects your higher consciousness, you are interacting with your collective consciousness in both past and future in the same moment. Each instance wholeness mirrors back to you, you gather and process wisdom, experience and knowledge from other lifetimes at will. Many humans are attached to their current form. In order to change that, you invite a situation that allows change to happen. Current global events set the stage for internal restructuring or transition. All changes require a medium to create the change. By creating change, you change your consciousness, rewire the brain or create new brain pathways. This changes thoughts and behaviour patterns. To create a new reality, we transition into a new understanding, a more refined perspective of the same thing, from a different, more expanded point of view.