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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Wake up & remember

A teacher does not enter your scope of awareness at key stages of your awakening.  You are the teacher who is awakening to your own true power.  Thus, an external teacher does not empower you to trigger "ah-ha" moments.  Instead, a pre-ordained awakening within draws attention to shifting self-perception.

Asking higher energies for guidance helps you to recognize you are a transmitter and vehicle travelling through dimensions.  The use of symbols, shapes, dreams and crystals brings you closer to knowing higher self consciousness. A given situation in 3-D, physical worlds does not reveal the truth of what is beyond.

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Reader Comments (5)

We are our own teachers and when we ask for guidance we are truly just asking the higher consciousness of ourselves for this, I do feel this Liara, I feel it even when I do not find myself asking, I feel it in knowing what feels true and what does not feel true, within

would not though the higher consciousness of ourselves be the same as others too?

it is like feeling when I do ask for answers/guidance, my higher consciousness tells me the answers are within and also without, and I take this to mean that answers lie not only within my own consciousness, but within all consciousness as well, even in the consciousness I feel of a plant, a snowflake, a cat, all beings..

and now when I do write out, I see :) a seperation, of the in and the out, and when I am within I am not really without. like being in one place at one time, not two places at the same time
October 3, 2010 | Unregistered Commentertumel
and I feel like erasing this last comment :) of time and place because I feel that there is so much more for me to understand and because I still sorta feel we are able to be within/without
October 3, 2010 | Unregistered Commentertumel
tumel, to study enlightenment reminds one how the original behaviour was translated into words from practical experience. Many people read about what is supposed to arise and set about learning that. This is actually about recall. The essence of being simply seems to have disappeared when human beings do not see and grasp what this is within the mind. Feel your way to realizing you are the energy that is everything. Whatever revelation you seek is triggered right where you are.
October 3, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
thank you Liara :) I understand a bit , I think, :) of what you say about studying and the mind and what we might take on at times, what I find is that when I read of things sometimes, it always seems to be after I have felt them within, like the words show up after, that somehow explain exactly what I have been feeling

but even this I wonder of now, and of what I have maybe read before, that I may of unconsciously taken on, of a time when there was no travel between contintents, no direct, face to face communication, no reading of anothers perception, no books written, yet the thoughts of each are so very similar

but it all feels so very true to me, like feeling before words there was another type of communication and maybe it is this that I try to truly reveal within myself, remember with...

it is like feeling words were given to us to transcend, like all things, but in the order for us to be without them we must first be competely within them
October 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commentertumel
Hi Liara ... the teacher within us comes, when we are readying ourselves. I must remember when I with my mother in a peaceful state that I am a transmitter vehicle travelling through dimensions .. crystals are interesting ... Thanks - Hilary
October 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary

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