This is the perfect moment

You exist intent on reaching a place that connects you with who you are. Being in the body is as easy as you choose. Notice where you direct your attention. You feel the subtle energies running through you. In fact, energy is you. This is the underlying current of creation. It is the perfect moment to experience revelatons about your true formless, inconceivable and limitless self. How do you feel?
The more attention you direct in certain directions, the stronger your focus on the energy field in your midst. The image that arises in mind is already taking shape in physical form. Your feelings are making it happen. How you feel is what makes it seem real. You are a seeker and a finder. This is part of the process of growing more conscious and listening to your self. Its also Cosmic Synchronicity.
Reader Comments (6)
( I did watch Legend of the Seeker last Night :) )