Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
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Be Your Dream
Transform Your Life
Cosmic Synchronicity
Notice what occurs to our dreams, sense of being and purpose as we refocus to navigate existence with energy awareness. Shifts in consciousness happen as we allow "light" to guide us. Although sensing energy is second nature, (only to sight), this ability usually lies below conscious awareness. It flows in the background, remains unconscious until we decide to be aware of its presence. To recall we are energy beings, existing in an energy world, helps shake us out of unconscious patterns. Ancient wisdom and modern physics both describe the sea of quantum energy in which we exist, and our body is composed of oscillating fields within a liquid crystal structure. Consciousness itself is captured within the brain’s matrix of holonomic photons. Familliar physical senses distract us from energy awareness. Intuition provides energetic information (as energy and info are inseparable) about another person’s feelings, the negative energy in a particular place, or even about food quality. Bringing this natural sensing ability into conscious focus is the key to shifting into consistent heartfelt living. Tuning into this innate sensory capacity transforms your experience. Beyond the obvious, it is key to the flow of spiritual paths. Unleashing True Nature is about moving through 3D distractions to activate the light body. This requires inner work with shifting, changing, and monitoring body energies over an extended period. We can learn to pack bioenergy into certain areas, condensing, storing, and distributing finer forces. The alchemical refinement of our subtle energy systems and purification of the five elements demand the same skills. The entire process is about awareness moving within our body field with ease. Purification is initiation to activate more advanced alchemy. The process invites tuning in to sense and contain our core energies, to-get-to-know energy on a visceral level. If it resonates, we begin to experience how emotions and thoughts all ride these energies. We grow aware of stored forces within the bones, the abdominal plexus, the gonads, and other tissues. With energy awareness, we may also begin to see, from a practical, not just moral point of view, how useless it is to waste precious energies on hatred, ill-will, jealousy and unconscious engagement. Energy awareness accelerates transformation. Without valuable preparation/ inner work, we are a priceless bioenergetic missile, possibly unique in our galaxy, ready to launch, but with no fuel or insight to power it. Growing aware of energy blockages, then accessing and fine-tuning energy within u, is the groundwork to initiate a natural process. Only then do inner flames ignite and illumination occur.
Notice the point of stillness of the mind is the origin of all space & time, the centre of the "forbidden fruit" (aka "apple" in Eden) is a simple 'physical' example of a torsion- field. Everything in the entire cosmoverse behaves like a torsion-field: a self-sustained, self-contained energy system the living aerodynamics of which always stems from its "zero-point". In Sanskrit, [“perfectly (sam)-composed/engineered (krit)”] this is called "nirvāna" and it means "coming to a stop", or "the point of stillness" or «cessation» (of the movement, turbulence or "spinning around" in this movement →∞ indicated by the infinity sign "8" on the side: which is simply the half-section of an apple; which is called "samsāra”: ="spinning around"). In mechanics and engineering this is called "rotor & stator" and it is the basics of an "engine" or "motor"—Which is by the way called "Pyramid" in Greek: pyros=raging fire (PIE paewr→"power"), mid=middle, so "fire or power in the middle"...(what our cars have!=a motor). No movement exists without a point of stillness, which IS its point of origin, or Source. This is basic quantum mechanics: that both the equation of the zero-point AND of its spinning (maths inside of which are all based on π, Phi,...) are superposed and entangled, or- simultaneous and non-exclusive. In this view, a gold mine of new openings and insights exists into this most fascinating zero-point porthole. It is key to parallel dimensions, time travel, hyperspace and accessing mind-blowing new realities.
Notice as consciousness expands, timelines seem to stretch & move through time-space and beyond. Through initiation and conscious shifts in vibration, one tunes into any point on the cosmic dial. The human being is in the process of transcending quantum barriers and manipulations of the psychic field. Receiving encodements allows psychic consciousness to re-emerge. Expanding innersight unleashes power to consciously affect energy flows. Everything in the reality field is shifting and changing at a cosmic pace beyond self-created limits and electromagnetic distortions. Be the flow and know only synchronicity exists. Access to deeper Truth and sacred geometry of Divine Being.
(Image: spiritual expansion by Cameron Gray)
You exist intent on reaching a place that connects you with who you are. Being in the body is as easy as you choose. Notice where you direct your attention. You feel the subtle energies running through you. In fact, energy is you. This is the underlying current of creation. It is the perfect moment to experience revelatons about your true formless, inconceivable and limitless self. How do you feel?
The more attention you direct in certain directions, the stronger your focus on the energy field in your midst. The image that arises in mind is already taking shape in physical form. Your feelings are making it happen. How you feel is what makes it seem real. You are a seeker and a finder. This is part of the process of growing more conscious and listening to your self. Its also Cosmic Synchronicity.