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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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What does it mean to save yourself?

Many people say they think their purpose is to 'save the world.' They nurture idealistic goals or ambitions, explore a varety of experiences that they believe empowers them to change other people and conditions. Have you ever reflected on what it means to save yourself and to remember how to sense things as they are? What are these kinds of statements really telling  the conscious you from deep inside?

One perspective is that part of you would like to be saved from the illusions you create and structure physical life around. What would you say if some people move to no longer relate to anything or anyone? How do you imagine it feels to live a life completely undefined by labels, by expectations, by other people? Everything is a choice.  You may not realize you are already choosing to Transform Your Life.

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Reader Comments (11)

Once I thought I was born to save the world in a way.
Now I know there's nothing to save :D
April 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRizal Affif
Hi Liara.
Rizal... loved your comment. Brilliant!

" would like to be saved from the illusions you create and structure physical life around". I can certainly identify with that line, Liara. And about labels, too. I think I feel that by creating a 'label' for something I'll be able to control it. Yeah... right ;-)
April 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDavina
@ Davina: Hi Davina, compliment taken... thank you :)
Hi Liara .. I’m saving myself now .. and so going through a complete metamorphis .. well in that direction & is it cleansing .. the time is right & I can get on with the stages of moving on for when the time comes.

Being able to live without labels, expectations or under the umbrella of others .. will be bliss .. I did it before when I went to South Africa, and I have to say .. I shall be ‘completely different’ .. I’ll be free – it’s pretty exhausting being where I was .. but things are changing rapidly – then patiently being there for my Ma .. and then I’ll be ready for the future. Transformation is definitely happening.

Thanks and have a good May Day weekend .. Hilary
May 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
once I tried to imagine if I did not know a dog was a dog, what would I feel it was. I tried to strip away everything I thought associated with this name or label and could only come up with a word that might have no definition, like eiobo.

It made me think why is it that things need definition, like even trying to again define this creature that I tried to strip away all definitions of, is it to organize? so as to not feel chaotic? to communicate? to control? so then I think of all of these words, defintions, really as illusions and even this word might be an illusion.:) because it is defined.

a little ps.

I sense what I am feeling is that words carry within them so much energy
May 1, 2010 | Unregistered Commentertumel
Rizal,what you are is true and all else is inference...
May 2, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Davina, control is an illusion created by the mind. A person may think he graspswords but he is unable to visualize an experience and translate it as it is in such a physical way. Any levels of conscious awareness within you that remain undeveloped or unrevealed are simply unattended. To deduce you need not strive for anything to just be can be mind-blowing. Conditioning goes out the window.
May 2, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hilary, things are in constant lux just as you are in constant state of transformation. Everything is now. Future is illusion and envisioning self there distracts you from who you are and what already is.
May 2, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
tumel, one perspective is you are everything, every moment, and definitions begin and end in the mind to limit perception.
May 2, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
When I hear the words "Save Your Self", an image of the Messiah comes to mind which is a projection from the inner self. Therefore, we become our own Messiah and save our selves when we truly find our Self or our Higher Self by living and experiencing the moment. Its an act of taking responsibility for our projections that we broadcast and receive within the world or universe that we reside in.

Perhaps if all labels or beliefs are let go of, then the concept of choice too vanishes. As bonds to egoic identity are peeled away one by one, the self is continuously refined till perhaps one becomes nothing and everything at once.
Sea Otter, peeling away the layers of ego begins to reveal what exists beyond a mental projection of self. The ego is sometimes viewed as an enemy and yet, it is through accepting and merging with every part that one rediscovers implications of infinite being.
May 4, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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