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Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in transformation (103)


Align with inner harmony

Notice as energy in motion, we change completely, we have changed completely and are changing every moment. As we align with what is most authentic, what brings aliveness and harmony, the false disappears and growth happens naturally right where we are. The transformation process is not about renouncing anything. It is about moving into more joy and aliveness, nourishing the Soul. Conditions that arise shake us out of our conditioned beliefs of what we thought was necessary or important, allowing heart-warming possibilities to present, broaden our horizons and replace it.


10 Tips to Live an Amazing Life

Life is a journey of endless opportunities, challenges, and uncertainties. To feel truly fulfilled, it is crucial to embody certain virtues that empower us to navigate through its twists and turns with grace and determination. Let us delve into the significance of 10 tips we can use in daily lives to enrich our life experience:

I. The Power of Diligence

Be diligent, attentive, and detail-oriented. Take pride in work.  Pay attention to the subtleties, and ensure that everything is done to the best of our ability. This virtue applies to personal & professional endeavours.

2. Redefine Success

Many people limit ideas of success to being meticulous and creating higher-quality endeavours. Commitment to excellence certainly earns respect and admiration.  Yet, to accept self fully is to know and reflect true success.

3. Prioritize Personal Growth

To explore options for personal development enables us to make well-informed decisions, and expand on what we think. To identify areas for growth allows us to create a sense of progress, be the best version of ourselves.

4. Embrace Foresight 

Foresight is the ability to anticipate and see through illusions of time. It is an indispensable quality that allows us to envision a path forward, navigate uncertainties, and seize opportunities, ensure us a sense of direction. 

 5. Adapt to Change

Life is dynamic, and unforeseen circumstances often arise. To anticipate potential challenges, feel comfortable with spontaneity reduces stress and allows us to adapt swiftly to change.

6. Develop Fearlessness 

Fearlessness is the courage to face challenges, embrace vulnerability, and step outside of our comfort zones. It is about acknowledging doubts, not allowing them to dictate our actions. Overcome self-imposed limitations and societal expectations. By challenging our fears, we unleash dormant potential and discover newfound strengths.

7. Pursue Passion

To pursue our passions wholeheartedly, implies we do not hold back due to the prospect of external judgments, possible rejection or failure. It opens doors to opportunities that might have remained hidden.

8. Build Self-Awareness

Understand the nature of perception. Hone your strengths to work on areas of growth.

9. Practice Daily Gratitude

Focus on reasons to feel grateful for everything in your life.  Acknowledge lessons are available in every situation. Acept that progress is being made and the blessings are being received.

10. Nourish Resilience

Life may throw curveballs, yet we have elasticity and potential to bounce back stronger and wiser. To transform our lives is about seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary.  Its not about being comething we are not. The path to an amazing life involves being diligent in our endeavours, embracing our fears, and pursuing our passions wholeheartedly. By living a purpose-driven life, we redefine fulfillment, harmony and peace rigth where we are. So, let us seize the day, make the most of where we are, unleash our true greateness.  Savour this moment.


Dream Analysis of the Week- Levels of Initiation


I was eating raw food as I climbed spiral stairs of an inner mountain. I met a familliar lady (Jane) who smiled, passed me a key. She was a dream guide I encountered to reach a door on another level. I used key to open door in the wall both key and door vanished. i stepped inside and fell into what turned out a deep chasm yet landed on soft moss. I sat up to see a labriynth of winding underground caverns.  Something mysterious arose from shadows to light my way. I followed glowing insects. A bioluminescent underground river in vibrant twinkling colours appeared out of nowehere. The insects and river guided me to a large chamber with a cathedral (vaulted) ceiling.  In the distance,  I saw another key on a bed of moss on a high rock near a waterfall. So, I waded into the unknown water and swam toward it. A puriple dolphin surfaced inviting me to hold its fin.  We swam together toward the key. As I reached the huge rock I struggled to climb footholds to get ontop, and the rock rumbled.  Then, a huge turtle surfaced its head to smile. As I picked the key up from its back, a holographic vertical series of geometry appeared and key vanished. Touching the key had activated a portal. Symbol recognition at the level of consciousness activated a certain sequence. Lights flashed and "I" vanished.


Raw food as a dream symbol reminds us that everything we consume has a frequency that activates and strengthens our energy systems or suppresses innate capacities. To eat clean and pure sustenance is one way to sharpen lucidity.  It also enables us to accelerate cosmic downloads of vibrational information, so we receive, decode and transmit light in a conscious manner that expands consciousness and turns on forgotten abilities.  Discipline is also required.

Stairs imply moving through levels of awareness. Obstacles are clearing as you take action to make amends.  Spirals refer to the nature of the spiritual journey and the willingness to embrace stages of ups and downs, steep shifts in direction, and moving stairs.

We may be reminded of the famous Escher painting of staircases entitled "Relativity."  It depicts a world in which the normal laws of gravity do not apply. As we begin to see through illusions and dream with lucidily, we begin to harness more creative power in waking life.

Relativity (M. C. Escher) - Wikipedia

This image depicts one of the most copied, and most parodied images, a series of staircases crisscross in a labyrinth-like interior. It intrigues, not only due to the geometry and versatility in conveying multiple dimensions, but also because the staircases symbolize humans' endless pursuit of moving up in the world and the obsession with hierarchies, the "next level" or "next thing".  This 3D world of climbing stairs can perpetuate dissatisfaction unless a means of feeling grounded and satisified emerges in waking life.

Dreaming of a key invites us to ask, “what is the issue in my life that needs a solution?” The key is a common symbol that foretells new discoveries, a geographic move, fresh ideas, thoughts or feelings, new experiences and new knowledge that has been hidden from you (or you have been witholding from yourself).  Dreaming of a key suggests you are open to a big life change, shift, or new beginnings. Being given or holding keys echoes levels of initiation. Keys may point to a secret, a mysterious situation that has not been overly transparent. As the key vanishes, this is the omen of a difficult life period coming to an end. Something echoes, 'you earned it'.

To imagine a chasm, or abyss, reminds you that you choose fear or excitement change in a real life situation. The dream could be telling you that you of the urgency to make a decision and take action.  Falling in a chasm can signify a fear of failure, or not making the "right choice". Yet, to emerge safely indicates you are confident you will overcome obstacles.  To have something soften your fall implies success is linked to accepting the help of others.

Underground places may symbolise where we bury our suppressed fears and desires. This dream symbol can come up when things you have ignored or denied for some time finally need to be addressed. Going into a cave can represent a journey of self-exploration to heal difficult feelings and relationships that can be very transformative.

A vaulted (cathedral) dream ceiling reveals you see beyond where you are yet, find it hard to stabilize on higher ground. You do however, use ingenuity and resourcefulness to do the best you can in light of new challenges. The mischievous aspect of your personality has you push boundaries, go further with intention to reach a new level of love, acceptance, joy. This said, some childhood anxiety has yet to be resolved in your adult life. You have kept that "vaulted" (hidden) in your subconscious until ready to surface for healing and integration.

Turtles in dreams represent your inner persistence, determination, endurance, wisdom and spiritually. These fascinating yet symbolic messengers has just emerged to show you more ancient wisdom is growing accessible. Dolphins are another creature with cosmic significance. They convey vibrational messages felt and decoded  differently based on level of consciousness. Some know them as wise, telepathic guides. Those who ask are always helped.

Sacred geometry appears here as a sign the soul is being nourished. Awareness of parallel worlds and timelines implies you can travel more widely as you master yourself. You may recall visions from films like Dr Strange: The Multiverse of Madness  and how geometry is like a vibrational code or door that arises as part of initiations. Cosmic doorways present in alignment with our vibration.

We offer Dream Consultations on single or multiple dreams, related to karma, energies, clarity and more. We also offer an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga course. Contact us.


5 Ways to Activate New Opportunities

Notice every moment is an opportunity to redefine the direction of our lives.  Its common to reach a hiatus, a point in life where the prospect of change appeals in some or many different life areas.  What to do about it?

1. Pay attention to discomfort

2. Review different life areas & priorities

3. Brainwstorm ways to empower yourself 

4. Be aware of your relationship to inner and outer worlds

5. Meditate on your vision of new opportunities



7 Reasons we dream of home

Many people share they dream about different houses. Sometimes it involves their own house or an unfamilliar house under construction, or even part of familliar or unknown homes, even dream homes.  Consider 7 reasons you might be dreaming of a version of a home:

1. Ready to integrate early memories.

Recurrent dreams of familiar places imply the dreamer is working through old memories. What is unfolding in your life right now of relevance? Imagine visiting the attic, going through old photos, a process of letting go.

2. Expanding our sense of who we are

Often, when we dream of a previous place we have lived, we may notice something different, but really, it is us who has changed or evolved. You may be in the process of creating a new sense of "home".  If certain house rooms change, or renovations are ongoing in a dream home, that is a mirror of our ongoing growth and expansion on many levels.  Some people also come to feel home is not a physical place, rather, it is where the heart is, and they take it with them wherever they roam.  A feeling of home may be felt outside any structure. 

3. Reclaiming Soul fragments

Dreams of our old home can remind us of lost parts of our soul that are ready to be retrieved and reclaimed. If we find ourselves in a playroom, we may be growing too serious in life and yearn to for more  chill time. Maybe trauma happened in this home, and the subconscious urges us to recognize it as part of our healing journey? 

4.  Representing your body

Houses can also be a metaphor for the body, pointing to an area that might need attention. For example, dirty windows are like eyes that are not seeing clearly. Would you benefit from an optometrist visit? Electrical wiring points to the state of the nervous system.  Plumbing echoes state of ingestion, digestion, and elimination (How is your own inner plumbing?).  Basement invites swimming deeper into our ocean of emotions.

5. Children are on the brain

Dreaming of a childhood home may echo visions of security, fulfillment, success that involve children. As we parent, care for kids, or contemplate having our own, many childhood memories, and even wounds, are bound to come up, may even be modelled by the behaviour of children in our midst.  The subconscious echoes what it was like when we were kids so that we come to see beyond our beliefs and behaviours. It can also help deepen existing relationships we develop with kids.

6. Nostalgia

On a basic level, childhood home dreams can also mean we wish some aspects of our lives were like they used to be, especially amidst adult challenges.  Adult responsibilities, relationship/marital issues, bills, laws and regulation, time constraints, sometimes trigger people to wish everything was always taken care of for them like when they were kids.  

7.  Refers to level of maturity

Childish or immature behaviour could also present in our reality. Whether it's you who is behaving childishly or someone you know, it can remind us of our youth, and subsequently, the house in which we lived as kids.  This could also signal the end of an earlier version of ourselves we have outgrown or a nudge to "grow up." Fire, death, and destruction of buildings  and how we respond to house-related crises may seem drastic in a dream, but they are not always so negative.  They can also be symbols of transformation. We are who we are because of all our expeirences and are invited to learn to accept and integrate the lessons in it all.