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Insight of the Moment

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« What if you open your perception? | Main | Practice emptying the mind »

How do you know if you're seeing things?

People will often ask whether what they think they are experiencing is real. Does this sound familiar? Are you the kind of person who uses the mind to determine your sense of the truth or do you feel it? Recognize why you choose to sense certain people or sources of information are credible and others not.  You have underlying motivations for taking sides and also for choosing not to agree or disagree.

Perception is subjective.  Each person creates his own signposts about what is real or not.  Some people ground their reality in conditioned beliefs and attitudes.  Other people tap into energy, faith, inner knowing and sense clarity presents when questions fade away.  Notice why you view something as true or false, real or unreal.  How do fear and other feelings fit in? Each one is your choice.

If you conclude you are "seeing things," you are basically doubting the senses. Some people say they would only believe something if they saw it themselves and yet, other people choose not to have faith in their own senses. When people describe something to you that you resist, you may say they must be dreaming. Every thought and feeling is part of how you choose to Transform Your Life.

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Reader Comments (4)

Hi Liara .. I have come to understand that others can and do tap into other energies, I cannot do that .. but it doesn’t preclude me from realising their truth, or believing that one day I too will going along that path, transforming my life. Thanks - Hilary
April 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, brace yourself: you actually "tap into" energies every moment. People do this on different levels. Although every human being does not consciously remember how to see auras at this instant, every human is more in touch with energy than he realizes. Every decision you make is based at least in part on how you feel, and feelings echo higher and lower energy based on feeling positive or negative. When you assume you do not feel energy, you are doubting, thus emitting lower energy vibration by choice. As you grow aware of this, you can also make a different choice.
April 8, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
"Conditioned beliefs and attitudes" are certainly something to be aware of. If I say or think one political group are all good (or all bad) I know this not to be true. Each person within each group is only ever really a child of the Universe, equal to all others on the spiritual path, and equal in love.

April 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Jannie, your reflections are appreciated. Some people are unaware of how their own judgment prompts them to imagine into being what does not exist. The process of sharpening discernment enables a person to determine, through practical experience, what is an extension or creation of the mind and what is core nature. One perspective is energy consciousness is all that exists and everything you feel and experience is an extension of universal oneness. To sense its all a hologram of you is quite a revelation.
April 9, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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