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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in illusion (29)


Awaken to cosmic magi


(Art by JR Slattum -
Notice if my present day self was to converse with myself 5 or 10 years ago, I would have said, " I know you are living the best life you can, but you are missing some big pieces of a puzzle. You are not only a danger to self but also others. Yes, you are in an illusory world of your own making. In time, it will all crumble."
And so it did. From the moment my deeper unravelling began, I cannot express the words or process, but something unique and life changing happened in my perception of this world. It emerged and accelerated to the point that not only unleashed all I am, but a new version of all that is. New realities blew the mind. Funny, the most earth-shattering revelations unfold during the darkest period.
Turns out, awakening is happening whether we detect it or not. The pace it happens to and through us and the experiences that unfold are shaped by our allowing and resistance Whether we believe it or not, the moment of truth will come for each of us. We all have dormant knowing. Only as we stop can we see.
We are all already all that we are, yet those who seek remember. I cannot deny the impact of the dark night of the soul. I encounter others along the way and we all access cosmic magic. As for those who love and support me, whether asleep or awake, shifts and changes are undeniable. Only level of consciousness differs.
Unknown to some, my cosncious choices activate a vibration of deep knowing in them too, and the domino effect continues. As you come to realize who and what you are, and the veil is lifted, the lies, the mis-conditioning, the illusion and the physical want of the human flesh for form is revealed, life cannot feel same.
Peace and harmony echo core knowing. Awake is then- You, I, We and All. Suffering and chains of mind dissolve, attachment to matter, thought and physical self. Freedom is. One knows what is always here. It need not be earned or achieved.The quest or seeking simply ends as light illuminates within.

Nisagardatta Maharaj echoes: The unreal was never born and the real cannot die.We redefine lucid as we awaken in our own dream. Light, love and Consciousness echo all that is eternal and divine. The rest dissolves from view.

We collectively change reality

Notice we are collectively participating in and changing how we understand reality. Call it what you will, when ready, a quantum leap in consciousness triggers deeper remembering. At any moment, to see beyond illusion helps us realize we have innate ability to activate dormant systems, transform energetic reality. All of us, individually and collectively, have access to layers of reality that are not yet fully evident to all. Tuning into a certain frequency is key to Individual access of vast energetic worlds. Stages of awakening unleash awareness, so one recognizes open cosmic doorways. Rather than transcend "normal" human consciousness, superconsciousness is simply the act to reverting to our natural or optimal state of being.
Awareness, the subconscious and superconsciousness comprise the triple nature of the mind. However, to achieve a full and specific harmony, you need to know the nature and distinctive features of all areas of our mind and how to use them correctly. This is the path from fragmentation (ego agenda) to wholeness (true soul purpose).
Recall the mystic Nisargadatta Maharaj stated: “The real does not die; the unreal never lived."



Move through Cosmic Initiations

Notice the Great Central Sun is a metaphor and cosmic doorway to higher consciousness. On an energetic level beyond physical eyes, it hides an etheric planetary entrance to the Cosmic Spiritual Sun, the original source of emanation of the Eternal Light.
In essence, the Sun is like an antenna of coded energy. As its energy intensifies, this accelerates awakening of our spiritual consciousness, may trigger shifts in perception. Through meditation, inner doorways open into planetary and cosmic awareness, expanding beyond 3D programming (illusory reality).
As it happens, the Schumann resonance recently reveals dramatic behavioral changes. Images of the "Earth's heartbeat" appear to show patterns similar to DNA and sacred geometry. During the third week of June 2023, dramatic changes echo an elevating consciousness within humanity unlike that seen before.
The natural phenomenon of Schumann resonance (SR) refers to a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low-frequency (ELF) range of Earth's electromagnetic field. SR interests scientists as it is influenced by various factors, including changes to Earth's magnetic field, poles, solar activity, and atmospheric conditions. It is widely suggested this influences biological systems, such as human health and well-being (though consensus is not reached).
Within spiritual communities, tuning into subtle senses echoes SR reflects connection to higher consciousness, spiritual awakening, or energetic shifts in collective consciousness. Some spiritual perspectives suggest SR relate shifts in human consciousness and well-being, the soul alignment of vibrational frequencies, and multidimensional spiritual transformation.
To focus on human etheric light body activation is to align with the Great Central Sun and recognize oneself as Divine Source. It is a sacred integration point with the "I AM ." To transcend stories and 3D illusions releases limited patterns and energies.
On another tlevel, the consciousness within our Solar System is undergoing solar initiation through the massive amount of solar flare plasma emissions. A solar flare is a burst of light, radiation and intelligent energy, which erupts from the sun’s magnetic atmosphere. Solar flares affect all layers of the solar atmosphere. When heated, the plasma flares produce radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum at all wavelengths. These light frequencies range from radio waves to gamma rays, although most of the energy is spread over frequencies outside the visible human spectrum..
As the sun is regularly releasing powerful solar flares. Science measures some the most intense levels of solar explosions. Powerful coronal mass ejections have reached the earth. Coronal Mass Ejections (CME’s) are a mass of charged particles and magnetic field energy that bursts from the sun like a volcanic eruption. Coronal mass ejections interact with Earth’s ionosphere, which change the shape and direction of the magnetic field, as well as generate geomagnetic storms, auroras and increase the range of the earth’s plasma fountain. It is clear evidence we are undergoing an intense Solar Initiation of radiating plasmic light, which is rapidly progressing humanities evolution or digression, on our chosen spiritual journey on Earth.
As a symptom of Solar Initiation, we experience the breakdown of the systems of control and crumbling of materialistic values. This coincides with a breakdown of individualistic ego structures required to have a group humanitarian breakthrough.
To the spiritually uninitiated, this may appear to be a mental, physical or nervous breakdown for those individuals who are being forced to change their lifestyle and priorities. The cost is taken at the individual ego level, as it is the overall group consciousness the health of the collective, which is at a much higher energetic priority now. We are leaving the rule of selfish ego and moving into the awareness of the larger group of planetary consciousness.
This timeline marks the early initiation that ends the rule of the False King archetype and its continual abuse of power, through technological mind control upon the earth. The awakening is pointing to the return of the true Spiritual Sun behind the Sun, returning benevolence merged with true power. This said, the end of the False ruler must be internally and spiritually chosen by the individual. For many on Earth, the tyrant archetype has taken form in a victim-victimizer polarity that may be hard to break free of. The ending of this control requires taking full responsibility to end all victim related patterns. Humanity must wake up from its bad dream and find the courage to imagine new consciousness possibilities, as we free ourselves from the past grips.



Yoga frees all that is false

(Visionary art by Ivan Blažetić Šumski)

Notice the process of yoga is freeing everything that is false. The more we engage in soul yoga, the more layers fall away. At some point, it hits we are not the body or the mind, we are consciousness. From the moment it dawns you are pure consciousness that pre-existed before the body and will continue to exist after the death of the body, you enter a very different state of consciousness. This deeper understanding is free from constraints of death, fear of abandonnment, fear of loneliness, all the psychological defenses of the ego that keep us questioning, doubting, seeking. When ready, it dawns the ego is simply a web of defenses around the heart. Ironically, the ego does not know its own heart. The Self that has realized who we are , that One being is completely free of all illusions and projections that created our suffering. To reach self-realisation is to reach a state where no suffering exists. Illusion creates suffering. As one grows aware of, dismantles false beliefs and ideologies, only then can one know what true freedom is. At this point, one must let go of the ego itself. This is necessary because the egoic concept blocks the infinite nature of consciousness. Truth is, only one consciousness exists, not a multiplicity of egos. We have created a holographic world of worlds but we have never left one consciousness. The world we think we know is maya-illusion. Reading about different levels of reality is not the same as direct experience of this. Its the difference between studying electricity and getting electrocuted,( or feeling biocircuits connect and allow cosmic energy to flow). Read as much about lightning as you like. Its not the same as being hit by lightning. Every upheaval in our lives today is a catalyst for awakening soul consciousness and rediscovering true freedom.


Love brings clarity

Notice love invites us to remove the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we can no longer accept or live within. The path of removing our masks, requires dismantling the life we have come to think is real, tolerating pain, and seeing through our suffering. What makes the journey worth it is we long for reality more than we want to hide inside illusions of those masks. Recall the story of the Golden Buddha. The gold of this buddha was hidden for centuries under simple plaster and clay. It went unnoticed, a reminder it seems natural we develop layers of ego coverings, that we learn ways of hiding, enhancing and ignoring our True Self. When we feel really fearful, the covering gets thicker, more solid. We add layers to what is always here and do not recall the gold. We are identified with the coverings and forget the Truth of Being, our genuineness. Turns out, "real" is not how we are made. Its not our outer coverings symbolized by plaster and clay. Something more formless, intrinsic and pure is awake. As we shine the light of awareness on the plaster coverings, we bring the warmth of love, humor, acceptance to those coverings. This is what melts them so golden authenticity shines through. As we grow more mindful of our patterning (represented by the coverings), we realize the illusion of the anxious, needy, lonely self. It dawns the underlying radiance is more true to who we are than the clay coverings. Wakefulness, openness, creativity, aliveness only shine through as we allow maturity, inner wisdom to reign. The poet Rumi reminds us that is is through love that pain transforms into medicine. We are our own healers that transform into beauty and goodness with perfect timing. We know we are supposed to love ourselves into healing, to face the ego states and love ourselves through it. The most fundamental layer of conditioning is the one that does not recognize the painful coverings are illusions. We hate ourselves for the coverings. We are supposed to love the coverings, the parts of the ego that make it hard to open tour heart to ourselves. When negative emotions arise, we are taught to dislike or hate ourselves, and the master emotion, shame shows its head as if "something is wrong with me/us". Every emotion has its place and can get amplified. We are culturally- rigged with a deep fear of judgement and rejection. Whatever comes up, we come to believe we shouldn't be feeling this way. The core feeling of badness imprisons us in the mind until we are ready to let go of the covering that glues itself to all other coverings. In the stress of life, we forget the subjectivity and realness of each other. The key to being real is to remove layers of conditioning, to listen more attentively to each other. The messages of bad "other" repeat. Shame is exacerbated by cultural caste systems. We are wired to not like our own conditioning and think that is who we are. The healing comes from seeing and loving the conditioning so it can become more transparent though we have an aversion to it. The gold of loving awareness is always available, much like the sun is always here regardless of how many clouds exist in the sky. Through love, all pain and suffering dissolve. Clarity remains.