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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Remove the obstructions

Ever wonder how people apparently separated by time and space relay similar or even identical experiences? Sometimes, the mind conjures up fearful thoughts of ownership or possession.  Then, animosity, competition, idea theft and plagerism are imagined into being. 

And yet, beyond mind, nobody has borrowed anything from anyone else.  They connect with the same Source. The fearful and joyous parts of your personality exist side-by-side.  You choose if and when to release them.  The more you choose to free joy, the more you experience it in the external world. Only you can choose to heal frightened parts of personality. Only you choose to feel unlimited joy.

People ask, "how can I experience happiness?" They assume they must change something in circumstances or other people.  In truth, joy is an expression of core being. As you remove obstructions like beliefs, you discern what you are not falls away to reveal who remains.

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Reader Comments (6)

This is exactly why I release the copyright of my posts--ownership is illusion :)
Hi Liara .. if people take on your ideas .. then it’s fine and just allow that to flourish as theirs .. you will gain nothing by intervening in the process .. more likely you will gain more acceptance by being silent. My idea must have come from somewhere .. we are all inter-relating with thoughts, concepts and ideas.. choosing unlimited joy can be attained.

As you say joy is an expression of core being – it’s being able to realise this ... removing those obstructions and being free to experience as we are what we are. Thank you ..
June 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
I am choosing the joy, rather than the fear as of late. Yesterday however, fear returned. I stopped looking in the mirror. All was well.

June 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommentersoulMerlin
Rizal, every reflection offers food for thought. You kindly remind others that not everyone truly listens to what they say or ultimately hears the perspective of inner self. This is an invitation to further internalize and applies how we feel to action.
June 18, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hilary, it can be very illuminating to imagine a version of self projected through everyone and everything you encounter. The soul conveys messages in intriguing ways. We have options to become more conscious during what appears to be an unconscious process. This process of awakening allows us to shift vantage point, perception and deepen understanding.
June 18, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Henry, everything you experience in the physical world is a mirror. So. in essence, you never stop looking into the mirror but may choose not to see and grasp certain messages conveyed to you and through you. The more often you take leaps of faith, the more practiced you become and the less fearful of who you are. As you choose love over fear, the fear gradually falls away and only love remains. You discover you are always right where you are meant to be.
June 18, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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