Feel beyond the ego-centred world

To explore beyond ego-centred mind, it is necessary to be aware of the nature of mind and how it fools you. As you begin to sense that you create limitations based on perceptions of time and space, you may also grow aware of the transient nature of consciousness.
As part of the wake-up call, notice universal mind is within, not outside. You are invited to shake up ingrained misperceptions and view them as a stepping stone to experiences beyond, through self-dircted journeys in awareness. As you grow aware of how conditioning in the external world alters your internally-focused states of attention, you recognize choices to outgrow and transcend what is taught.
Prepare to transcend the linear, to move beyond desires of ego, and reconnect with a level of pure information. This reveals that familiar sensory perception does not convey the truth of vibratory light. Get ready to relearn what you already know- Cosmic Synchronicity.
Reader Comments (3)
Life is one wake up call designed to shake us from our sleep and finally get us to pay attention to the insomnia of infinity and beyond.
Thank you for your gentle push towards the envelope of development.