3 Secrets about the stars

Ponder three secrets about the stars;
1. Twinkling stars in night sky are time travellers
Starlight takes a long period of time to travel to us. Yet we perceive stars in the night sky and are taught to assume this light is itself viewed in the present. In truth, detecting starlight with physical eyes is actually viewing the past from a different vantage point. This helps you begin to get your head around the notion that past, present and future exist together. It is our focal point of attention that determines what vibration we feel, what reality we are aware of.
2. Time management only works below the belt
Our true existence, Spirit, exists beyond time and space,beyond the cosmos as the human mind is taught to understand it. The body is subject to time and space, and is subject to stress and time management until self-mastery shifts priorities to being. As above so below, so within, as without. So on one level, we are subject to time and space; on another level, we are unable to ground completely time and space. Our level of consciousness and filters determine the view.
3. The universal mind is the all-seeing eye
Humans are widely taught to reach the stars and also often forget that we are really made of stardust! Thus, there is no thing which you cannot solve. To focus the meditative mind is to naturally tunes into the universal mind. Everything in this universe is subject to the universal mind as everything emerges from and vanishes back into it. Yet, who develops or opens to the universal mind? So logically, biologically, psychologically, we have to be in time and space and discover or awaken to awareness that we are above time and space. We have to understand these two polarities of our personality, and train the mind to consciously shift frequency along the radio dial within ourselves.