Stop looking for what is missing

You may begin to notice you are searching for (or work to create) something you perceive to be missing. Reflect on the seeds that prompt you to awaken. Consider what you do to stretch the mind. What if nothing separates you from the innate joy within except conditioned denial or disbelief? What if you do not take pleasure in results? What if you stop rejecting what the mind does not want? Imagine the steadiness of an unwavering insight, or synchronicity , and so it is. Reflect on the following Zen koan if you chose:
A MASTER who lived as a hermit on a mountain was asked by a monk,
"What is the Way?"
"What a fine mountain this is," the master said in reply.
"I am not asking you about the mountain, but about the Way."
"So long as you cannot go beyond the mountain, my son, you cannot
reach the Way," replied the master.
Reader Comments (8)
it has been so long since I have visited your insightful sharings. This is a lovely post to remind us the gifts of being present.
Thank you.