Awareness is not what you think

You may have the impression awareness grows over a period of perceived time. To sense awareness is a changeless reality is to know change is an illusion created by ego mind that itself focuses on the external world. Notice how ego grounds you in certain belief systems where it is controls you with fear. If consciousness only grows more subtle and refined, how does this effect what you feel and accept?

Reader Comments (6)
In this dimensional experience from the lens of the mind, we are aware of what we are aware of by design through the filters and the ego that defines the parameters of what we call our attention to. Awareness is what we are able to feel fully and unconditionally from a specific point of view.
The feelings that we let into us deeply, is what we accept, which can be equated to what we are currently conscious of. The unconscious can then be described as rejected sensations which later can translate then into bubbling up emotional behavior originating from the fear one has for the unknown or un-remembered. Amnesia sets in and one becomes un-familiar with their environment and their familial relations to all things. However, through our explorations and courage, one pieces together the unknown and the forgotten to begin seeing and sensing the relativity, and one's relations to all that one encounters.
It is like feeling or trusting that our unconsiousness knows more than our consciousness, and trusting this, so it feels that the awareness that is always there is really our unconsciousness.