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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Translate internal messages

It is up to you whether you choose to open up and expand awareness. Those who do begin to sense layers of soul communication within through impulse, synchronicity and emotion.  Thoughts, feelings and beliefs are constantly emitted into your energy field and increasing self-awareness sharpens your discernment of what matters.  What are you noticing? How do you consider new ways of translating internal messages?

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Reader Comments (3)

Telepathy is a language where one draws their attention to feelings that speaks to them in a personal way. It is a two way connection between matching energy signatures. It is a lock and key mechanism. There is a special receptor for every antigen.

Impulses then move us in the direction towards, or in sync with, communications dialed in to our current resonance or residence. Requests are met by trusting in our intuition and letting go and naturally moving towards the answers to our questions.

Sometimes I feel a magnetic attraction or a strong pull to do something or to say something in a certain moment to someone or something, or to find my self in a place that has requested my services or my energy. Sometimes, I sense I need to say something in response to the energy being transmitted, and other times I sense my mere presence is what is required. Sometimes I feel bad or incomplete or empty when the message is not fully conveyed or delivered. However, when the circuit is completed, I feel connected and on top of the world.

Sometimes I discern symbols and images or see metaphors or poetry in motion. I respond to them because I am receptive to these energies because I have drawn them into my life. They are trying to tell me something about my self and by letting them merge with me, I often reclaim lost energy from a contract that has been waiting to be fulfilled.

Sometimes literal words will pop up in my mind as communications that deliver messages to questions I may have. Some say this is our guides or angels or spirit that is talking to us or through us.

Automatic Writing is another method one can use to channel messages that can help alleviate our tensions by looking at life from new angles.

Sometimes I will be talking to someone and I sense I can feel what they think about themselves. In some ways I believe I match their frequency then like a mirror and sense the emotions they are emitting. Sometimes objects will send off similar types of vibes that are not a part of my current fabric. This imprinted energy can be cleansed or blessed and given energy to direct it back to its home.

Sometimes I grab onto energy and I get swept away by it because I let it stick to me and forget that it is not me. Its like I become a fish that has taken the bait.

Each person or animal or object that crosses my path which takes special notice of me too then has something to say to me or I have something to give to them.

The mind is still till something then catches its attention. This attentiveness can then be classified as a message or communication that wants to be addressed.

Fears too then communicate to me that I have unresolved issues to take notice of.

Everything in life can then be interpreted as a network of messages being asked for and delivered in just about anyway imaginable. We each truly have a unique way of trying to tell ourselves and others something about the current situation we find ourselves in.

Perhaps the universe its self is communicating a grand collective message to other neighboring universes through the stories we tell and the beliefs we hold onto.
August 25, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterb
B, indeed, for telepathy to be effective, and to prove the phenomena exists, both sender and receiver are on the same wavelength. Living experience speaks for itself. An experiencer has nothing to prove.

When a scientist thinks experience is recreated by stimulating the brain in a certain way, this does not offer the same evidence as living experience. Why do people resist accepting what they have not felt or are unwilling to recall consciously? Awakening offers evidence to drive one into deeper knowing.

A stream of consciousness has its own awareness and modes of communication. Infinite potential reminds one anything is possible.
August 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. I must ‘lose’ the thoughts and feelings that ‘irritate and upset me’ .. mostly to do with the Nursing Centre and my mother .. I think I’d be alright and more able to deal with things .. if I was on my own .. on the other hand –it’s a learning opportunity to find that serenity, where those things are not discerned and so have a more peaceful existence. Thanks Hilary
September 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary

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