Notice what animals teach you

Many human beings allow ego to construct a hierarchy of creatures. Be aware of thoughts and other behaviour that appease mind. Where do these ideas come from? What do they block you from seeing?
What if every being and creature is equal and offers timeless teachings? Notice the universe offers many opportunites to be open and receptive. Share timeless lessons you learn from the wild kingdom.
Reader Comments (16)
To many, the collective energy of the bear is therefore very foreign to them. They in essence have rejected the energy of the bear and the bear therefore haunts them till they re-accept the bear within. Then they too can begin to digest new information and can then adapt to the wilderness and the wild that is our natural home, where new creations and rhythms can be installed and experienced.
So if people are afraid of certain animals, they can investigate them till they become friends with them once again, which will then shift their overall direction in life where life will blossom to a greater degree.
If animals catch our attention in a seemingly positive way, it may be an energy that we have called upon ourselves through our intentions. For instance, the Swainson's and Hermit Thrush sing a song whose note rise into the heavens above. We can fuse with such energies and they open up new worlds.
Pets are also an interesting phenomena. One's pet is an extended attachment and reflection of the so-called owner. Is your pet aggressive or shy and docile. Is it diseased? Does it have strange habits or addictions. These are all extensions of the Self where the pets behaviour is in direct correlation to one's own personal auric field and the environment that one creates for its self.
Through our daily actions, we create energetic niches that surround us which sometimes attracts pests or predators or insects that carry diseases. They are there because one attracts them with what we carry inside of ourselves.
Our greater environment and how we relate to it is therefore a reflection of our entire self and those issues and blocks and parameters to living that we carry. We can learn from the bear and digest some of the fat and the weight that we have put upon ourselves and the greater world that we participate in.
This energy in the sameness feels like it is of survival of some kind too, not in a way of maybe life after death or survival of the fittest, because these feel of the mind, but maybe moreso in the nourishment, or nuturing, or nature :)
By the way, I have found Bernie's statements about pets to be true. In fact, I'm so glad to see him share these sentiments, because now I know I'm not alone in observing this. In fact, by observing my horses, I've been able to see areas in my own life that needed addressing. I also concur with his statements about pests. Ours seems to be the only home in our area that's free of rattlesnakes and scorpions; I'm convinced it's because, first, I'm not afraid of them, and second I've asked them to stay clear of the house because my husband is more cautious than I and prefers them to be far, far away. Instead, the bunnies, chipmunks and songbirds keep us company.
Animals... They've always been some of my best friends, teachers, and healers. It's true for everyone, if they allow it.
but of course a turtle is just one of countless! :D
The animals that flee before an earthquake .. are another example of their 'energy feelings' .. there's so much for us to learn ..
Thanks Hilary
Then I read your entry about ego and found myself again wanting to understand more of ego and came across this article:
I saw this core that the article speaks of again as this horizontal line and saw too, all living things as having this core, and lines above and below as the aspects or degrees maybe of the perspective.
What I continue to feel is that there is mind or something like mind in all living things, in the creation, the energy, the core, the line, and begin to see ego as an aspect, and I begin to see how circles can appear on this line too :), when I find myself thinking that all living things actually might have egos or forms of egos :)
in that all is affected by all, and maybe, like what is said in the article, when we are no longer affected or become transparent :) then we are the hmmmmmmmmm of the line :)