Labour peacefully

People ask how to know and practice wisdom. Explore this in terms of everyday experience and also from the true perspective which reflects the ultimate nature of reality. To be content with one's conventional physical sensory reality is to confine one's experience within it. Why not move beyond it?
Consider whether you 'labour peacefully.' Note the conditions. Does this strike you as an oxymoron or do you touch on the reality of emptiness beyond scope of intellect? Reflect on how it feels to peel away labels, and expectations for discomfort. Relate to things instead in the absence of any kind of identity.
Notice judgment is used to describe things in human terms. Negating beliefs allows one to align with deeper understanding. Observe discrepancies in perception and get to the root of selective ignorance.

Reader Comments (5)
With my guitar learning I used to labor and fret with each practice, thinking it had to be hard. How silly was that! Now I open my heart and mind to the beauty of sitting with my instrument as the music learning unfolds. These days a relaxed 5 minutes of harmony while learning something new goes further than say, 30 minutes of labored practice as I did in the old days.
Things are so easy when we let them be!