How does it all relate?

Different angles and vantage points give you the ability to expand perspective. Notice how open you are to listening to diverse views. Find the right perspective and the answer arises. You begin to see what is always available to you. It is often useful to consider a situation from a broader perspective. What you see and what you are not yet seeing is closer than you think. Every question you ask is already answered.
In essence, deeper knowing exists everywhere. Everything is interconnected. Nobody can bring this to your conscious attention. Confirmation arises within when you are ready and receptive. It all part of the the big dream that speaks to you. Layers of dreaming make up your life. Every thought and feeling is as real as you decide. Touch the face of the stars. Do what feels right. In the wink of an eye, the opportunity is over.
Reader Comments (2)
I love your last couple of sentences “Touch the face of the stars. Do what feels right. In the wink of an eye the opportunity is over” ... life ties in those layers of dreaming .. it’s allowing oneself space to work it all out, to see how it relates.
Thanks – excellent post and ideas to relate to ... Hilary