Allow all feelings to dance

As a living being, you are rediscovering what is natural. Part of your nature is to discover all emotions and allow them to flow. It is fine to express how you feel in the moment.
Watch children in their candidness and spontaneity. They do not judge or second guess themselves. They are like a free flowing river unless someone reprimands them. If this happens, its like the river comes up against rocks or rapids. Where do you buck the current?
Ponder how it serves you to dwell on anger, doubt, fear or other heavy energy. What happens as you allow discomfort to get implanted under your skin? Do you scratch the itch?
At some point, you are going to encounter people who disagree with you or, who are closed off to what you are experiencing. What you feel is alive and true for you even if it is not someone else's reality. Be awareness. Surprise yourself. Peace is not something to be kept or forced. All emotions have peace inside them. You do not find peace. It arises as you allow it to be here.
In essence, you are aware of space yet, space is not aware of 'you.' What is real does not need saving or changing as the mind thinks it does. Watch what happens as you allow all feelings to dance. Each one is a teacher inviting you to see beyond external conditions to feel through the lens of soul. Through the divine eye, everything is appreciated as it is and for what it is.
Notice you share an experience differently with people. You may think you express love differently to a friend, child, lover, parent and acquaintance, yet do you really? Only the mind is capable of judging and distinguishing different kinds of love. The heart simply loves.

Reader Comments (2)
When one consciously scratches the root of the itch, one's attention on the tension releases any outside pressure so that any jerky movement transforms its self into a tantric dance where unadulterated current flows. The purpose then is to not physically scratch under the skin, but to focus one's awareness at the point of discomfort so that it can be acknowledged fully and released. If while scratching the itch one remains unfocused and unconscious, an open wound merely results that will re-pressurize in time to scratch yet again.
The mind can be viewed as a tool and is often incapable of loving since it is often in a dissociative state split between the masculine and the feminine. Lets say that the masculine mind creates a directive where energy then flows to create an outcome. Lets say that the feminine mind then is waiting to receive the masculine insertion or directive being sent out into the world to be mated where the mind can then return to a loving state where the masculine mind and the feminine mind reunite and ease into nothingness where no one is waiting any longer for a dance partner to ask them to complete a song.
One can however dance with themselves where the mind returns to love when one masturbates intimately with the music within where one then becomes a master of their own feelings in any given moment without the mind having to play a game with the opposite sex. So in essence, dance like a hermaphrodite on ecstasy.
Notice angels technically have no gender. Earth angels are ever-present yet often go unnoticed. You can say, "I am here but I am also beyond." You watch movements taking place. Ask yourself who is doing nothing. Stay present. Thoughts and questions about hermaphrodites feel more distant. You continue to go about life and it reveals itself.
In the original state, you know nothing and everything yet, there is no reason to know anything. When you think you suffer deep emotional suffering, questions arise that invite you to appreciate contrast and uncertainty. You come to sense peace as it is. Something blossoms inside the heart and you connect with a natural sense of existence. Notice what is a passing tourist in the human experience. Taste the diversity around you. Awaken for real from the dream of an Earthly existence with the eyes of God.