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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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No explanation is necessary

Notice what life is like.  Notice what is common to everything.  Notice what you are resisting and allowing.  Whatever you think is not possible, whatever mind tells you it cannot do reveals resistance and conditioned beliefs.  Notice what it feels like to exist when no explanation is necessary. Questions answer themselves. Be aware that images, vibration and light energy express what words cannot.  Everything invites one to talk less and listen more with the heart.

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Reader Comments (4)

Liara, I have a sneaking suspicion that many of these blogs entries by you are coming via automatic writing or clairaudience of some sort and not from your normal, conscious, verbal-thinking type thought - hence the very high level of abstraction The tenor of these blogs is certainly very spiritual, but they do not give much by way of specific, useful and usable information - real 'how to do it' stuff.

"Loving joy is your vibration - be that." Of course, some few people who have been blessed with an ephiphany KNOW they are infinite love, infinite joy and infinite compassion in that moment. Then down come the shutters again, perhaps so they experience a lesser reality. Maybe you need to tell them how to lift the shutters by their actions in more specific ways.
August 23, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTom Ware
Hi Tom, humans are fascinated by words. The mind leads humans to believe filters or shutters exist. The mind tells you to learn methods or 'how to'. It creates comparisons like 'lesser' and 'greater.' Mind interprets this moment and sees it as the past. Emotions are an aspect of mind. Ask is it a thought you are going through or a feeling you are experiencing? Notice feelings do not get angry or frustrated. They do not resist the flow. The mind does. The heart only knows love. The mind takes that and filters it. Mind tells you that you 'think you feel' or 'think you do not know.' Silence is the voice of the universe. Expect nothing and observe is the silent whisper. Consider ringing in the ears. Some people 'think' this is a problem. Another view is that hearing such static noise is harmonious. Notice whether you love and accept this moment as being total and complete or whether you resist. Sense you appreciate feelings as a reliable guide. Feelings are indeed soulful messages. You do not choose true feelings. Appreciate your suggestion to offer another post on this topic.
August 23, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I shall resist resistance to listen to my heart's ever-flowing song.
Everything is preordained to be perfect. And is.

August 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
The only way that I know in which I can communicate with you so that you can respond and it can be viewed and read by a third person (and hopefully many '3rd persons) is for me to use words. I'm hoping discourses of this kind will help not only you and me but others who might be drawn to it.

I thank you for your reply, though. 'Expect nothing and observe' is something I've been doing daily for around a quarter of a century now as I practice Vipassana Meditation (as taught be S.N Goenka) My experiences in this have been documented in a book I wrote around fifteen years back. However, the general trend has been to reveal endless layers of increasingly intense sensations in what Eckhart Tolle terms 'the pain body' - a term I can certainly acquaint to.

Still, I hope to keep reading your stuff. It is very inciteful and I know it stems from the right place - your heart.

Keep happy.
August 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTom Ware

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