Imagine you are soul

Notice what happens as you judge and see things in terms of duality, good and bad. Then observe and be aware without judging. Notice how it feels to see worlds through the lens of soul. Notice how simply being with yourself allows you to exist in harmony with apparent duality. Its not you.
As you imagine you are soul, you can move beyond this imagined vision. How? Stop noticing this is not done. Stop noticing who or what you are not. Let go of any thoughts or feelings of absence. Get into the presence of what already exists. Allow the soulful state to fill you. Move from a sense of possibility to certainty. Move into the state that is. Allow yourself to feel something into being.
In other words, feel no absence of the manifested reality. Know the absence of resistance. Revel in the state of being. Feel how easy it is to focus. Be comfortable. The specifics of the vision are part of the process of the flow. The momentum is natural. The more you relax and meditate, you align with core love, harmony and well-being. When you sleep, you stop thought and resistance and align with this core vibration. Establish a vibration that is non-resistant. Allow who you are to reveal itself.

Reader Comments (4)
I have found my harmony with what is by believing that everything happens for a reason. With this belief, there is no judgement about any situation, only looking for the lessons or messages.