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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Everything has perfect timing

Everything is expanding. Notice what is on the move in your life and what appears to be slowing down.  It all has perfect timing.  We are moving and away from internet until after October 8th.

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Reader Comments (2)

When that which is on the move comes to a true stand still, the hands on the clock and one's feet that are grounded upon the earth uncontract and are reabsorbed to gain no new perspective revealing the source code that built the internet which connects all apparent things. Expansion too is like an illusion. It appears that something new has arrived but the Great Expanse is not defined by the physical, but is that placeless place that resonates the feeling of love and perfection. Expansion therefore can be looked at as surrendering to change where one's notice to the physcial world can not be pinned to a wall to peg a particular moment in a certain way. Letting go to Change and Expansion then de-notes arriving at a place that has no movement but yet allows a consistant reshuffling of the feet that surrounds a soul who wears no soles upon invisible feet where life is no longer defeated by essentially becoming defeeted. Therefore, we can either slow down in life to arrive at a place before time began or we can speed up where one goes home beyond the speed of light where the beginning and end are no longer in sight and site.

Happy home building and desconstructing.
October 18, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterbern
Bern, being in and beyond the light is an indescribable place of no-thing and everything. Out beyond the field of awareness is where it all comes together and is always together.
October 22, 2013 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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