Khru Bah inspires the unexpected

Inspirational Mentors present in our lives in all shapes and sizes. They often appear unexpectedly on yoru path, to prompt you to reflect to Transform Your Life.
Abbot Phra Khru Bah Neua Chai Kositto is a former soldier and Thai boxing champion. In present day, this man finds inner peace in a new role as Buddhist monk. He is father and mentor to orphaned Thai boys and gives hill tribes hope. I visited some thai hill tribe people during travels in Thailand near the Burmese border. Invite you to be open to inspiring stories like that of Khru Bah presented in a film called Buddha's Lost Children.
Notice what prompts you to hold certain interests, to pursue certain goals at different life stages. Every experience is a trigger for revelations and raising awareness of why you do the things yo udo (or not).
Notice what is important to you changes over time. Priorities shift. As you develop skills and experience, you discover different ways exist to use them. As the observer grows more active, notice what drives you to be self-centred and what allows you to be soul-centred. Notice when and why you feel drawn to travel and when you feel comfortable staying right where you are. Notice at what stages of life people and children or animals become your priorities.
This is the moment to grow more aware of subtle inclinations arising to give more of yourself, to help others. Notice who is behind the impulses to do and be, to give and receive. Everyone you encounter has perfect timing for a life lesson. Get ready to appreciate what is happening in a whole new way.
Reader Comments (10)
Awareness of what you are thinking and feeling in the moment of experience differs from reflecting back on the the event. Who you are after experience sees from that vantage point or level of insight. Although reflection can expand on what you see, it does not change what it is to be present, to accept every stage of a life journey. It all makes you who you are now.
Victims get booted out to camp in Nature.
Learn something New to Apply something Ancient.