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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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This moment is always fresh

Regardless of what appears to you to be happening, how you view this moment is always fresh.  You choose how to view unfolding events in your life.  You are the judge and jury, the observer and silence. It is always possible to step back, view things from another angle or turn the page.  See what is beyond apparent roadblocks.  Be aware of what you are not seeing, why you resist.

This moment, you are given the chance to make something of yourself or nothing.  Be bold.  Envision what would take your human experience beyond imagined limits.  Fearless living takes being human to a new level.  This life is about removing all that prevents you from seeing you already soar.  God gives you the gift of life.  What you do with this life is your gift to him and you.

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Reader Comments (5)

Facebook said i was not a real person so they actually deactivated my account. It is the most interesting thing Liara. Whenever i get excited about doing something... like connecting with certain groups or people or whatever.... i get ignored or rejected or something doesn't connect... or i somehow become invisible as if i never requested something. I have wondered if it is some belief i am holding onto that is always making this happen... and i have forgiven it... but it keeps happening. Its as if when i am excited about something that involves the outside world.... it disappears or doesn't reflect back at me. Maybe i don't resonate at the same level as that which I believed to be in relationship with. Perhaps I don't believe in systems and so the system is spitting me out. Another idea that came to mind was that my soul contract is causing this to happen... no matter what i may ask for or forgive. You also seem to see me as being in silence and my desire to walk in stillness... so maybe my higher self is pushing me out into a world of a peace pilgrim which knows of no electronic world?
May 26, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterApparently Nobody
Bern, you always get what you ask for on levels unseen and unheard. The more you lose Self in direct seeing, the more you disappear. As awareness of impermanence, unsatisfactoriness and insubstantiality expands, clarity expands. People are conditioned to resist these traits. The more you immerse yourself in nature, the more you encounter such challenging truths. Grasping to keep what you like, efforts to avoid what you do not like, attempts to avoid discomfort and change, its all resistance to the flow. View everything as a blessing and ease into a fuller, more expansive life. The Internet is merely a stepping stone. When ready, one sees innate abilities communicate directly without an intermediary. Be in that place where forgiveness is unnecessary. Any electronic world you see arises and disappears within you.
May 26, 2013 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I totally understand. But here is the self made dilemma... or the age old question... to be or not to be. But what is to be or not to be in this situation. In some ways to be is to release tension. First imagine there are two ways to energetically heal... and yet they are the same. A person has a projection or a persona but they are not in alignment with what they are summoning and receiving. And so some healers will imagine or project or introduce a dream to insert or overlay upon the one who feels ill or where they feel something is wrong. Some will project white light or will insert colours or make the colours more rich or will tell another story or insert images...whatever... the point is that they are offering a different projection to step into which can be accepted or not for better health. Or the person can adjust own their feelings and get over what they have been rejecting... allowing them to choose what to accept next or not.

Another way to heal then is to use the soul instead of the spirit to heal. The free will is then exchanged for what one could say divine will. Instead of pushing or supplying something.... the healer can place their hands or heart and not the mind on the individual and can draw their essence or being into their heart or into their entire soul. So what was blocked then gets drawn and begins moving back into source through the heart. So energy that was once stagnant begins to move again but by not thinking up anything.... but by just being present and feeling the person. Its like hugging their clogged spirit with your soul and then they melt into a free flowing situation.

And so what i could do is to jump through the hoops to become acceptable to release the tension of the situation so as to enter a place that can be exciting and invigorating while here on earth. Its a place of sharing and exchange. But here is an institution that says i did something wrong without saying what it is. I suppose its their right... but do i succumb do someone elses rules and opinions other than what I am to be right now without conditions.

In the past i could say that i had a problem because i wouldn't conform. But now i may be entering a problem area if i do what the outside world tells me to do. Neither is bad or good... but a door has closed and i suppose i should just float away into the divine. But if i responded with my ego, i would open that door up again to explore that dimension and would then float in that dimension as a free radical.

But the kicker in this decision process is after i got expelled from Facebook for not being a person.... a had the urge to open up comments... addictive response i suppose, but not at the same time... on my blog. And so I went to the settings and turned the comments on in various modalities. But for each modality or form of enabling comments, they would not show up on my blog. The settings say the comments are open, but the blog both yesterday and today does not show that one can comment. So again... wow... quite fascinating how my free will is being rejected. Is it a belief that created this reflection of dysfunction, or is it the lack of belief that created the situation.

Because of this second omen or sign, it seems to be saying to choose divine will... silence ... stillness.... immersion without comment or attachment. Just float without cause and effect. Be in a place where doors don't even exist. This then is placeless place of extreme or full being.
May 27, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Ok, one more... i must share... too bizarre. So i post the last comment to you Liara and then on my RSS feed, which is not extensive... i see a posting from Inner Earth... something I read for a second time that you had offered last week. And so here is the post which looks like an email but is not.

I am therefore unsubscribed to channel the inner earth. Maybe i am the inner earth or my soul and so there is nothing to channel..... and so no more outside offerings to me... so to speak. I know this is only a story that i am telling, but the bizarre is being strung together to get my attention or to rather release all attention.
May 27, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Bern, imagine for a moment that everything is always unfolding perfectly. That is, there are no mistakes. Like the Wizard of Oz, the larger you orchestrates everything from beyond the curtain. The wizard knows you are the Earth. It always communicates through you but you selectively listen. The infinite diversity arising through you is not limited to what is widely known or on the surface. Focus of attention is a choice. Noticing new species, new worlds, is a choice. Notice true nature, like synchronicity, is not intermittent. It is constant. There are only aspects of nature and synchronicity you see and that which you ignore. To remark that something is bizarre, is a resistance to nature and synchronicity on an energetic level. Be in the flow and cease resisting. Recall when God closes a door, somewhere he opens windows. Why focus on closing doors? Shift focus to what is arising in the source of radiant light.

Consider a book called The Metamorphosis by author Franz Kafka. The protagonist, Gregor Samsa, awakens one day in the form of a cockroach (rather than his familiar human form). He chooses to focus on what is not going right, on how he feels mistreated by the world. He figures this is why he transforms into a cockroach. He believes everyone makes him feel like one. Curiously, only he notices changes in his appearance,yet, it is he who externalizes how he feels about himself. Who he truly is, is invisible to himself. He is not ready to see it. In contrast, reflect on the ninja who masters what it is to be present and invisible. Notice who is invisible to whom. A ninja is invisible without motive or fear. He surrenders to being.

At any given moment, what appears to you is what you accept and focus on. What disappears is what you let go or integrate into the wholeness of who you are. All is well.
May 27, 2013 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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