Live the purpose of life

Notice you are deeply conditioned psychologically to pursue happiness, fulfillment, security. When you forget who you are, you lose the way and come to think material existence is the answer. Any fear you hold is a fear of not having, not being or meeting your expectations of your ego vision of self. As you discover such paths are unsatisfying, that pleasures and imaginary identity do not last, you are guided back to kindness, to the mysteries of nature, and to timeless wisdom. Many ways exist to recognize higher purpose and to shift so as to live in alignment with it. If you feel ready, you are here. The what always comes before the how.
What is life? It is a global unity movement, a consciousness or flow of awareness coming through everything. Operate from the truth that humanity can thrive through cooperation and destroy itself through competition. Start to notice the catalysts that prompt you to look inside yourself. Everyone you encounter is a pointer to harmony. Each polarity can be understood and balanced. Everything emerges from and disappears back into love. You can function based on existing world distortions or see beyond them.
Living in love is understanding and appreciating all experiences as lessons, teachings and opportunities available to you. Act on what resonates or feels right.

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