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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in nature (68)


Be Ordinary

Notice the moment is here or the busy mind hijacks attention. The mind is goal-oriented, oscillating between past and future. The mind is not here. Being present is the most ordinary state. The mind has no present tense and cannot grasp what is beyond its scope. When presence happens, it is unrelated to the individual. Purpose is a human created idea. Nature has no purpose. The sun, moon, stars, trees, vegetaion, creatures, flowing oceans, are no means to an end, but simply are. To be present is nothing special. No superior or inferior exist. Relax. Struggle falls away.  Being here now is all that is real.


See through the human journey

Notice everything that captures our attention is woven together to tell a story. Our lives are unique universes that function like spiders' webs. If you touch single thread of your own unique instrument, the whole web feels the vibration, as do nearby webs that respond in resonance or dissonance, harmony or disharmony, approaching to merge or repelling and fading away. Come what may, touch a single blade of grass, a single flower petal, tree, water droplet, and you touch that which appears furthest away for it is all one. Creating ego is a human journey that shapes perspectives until we come home to where we never leave.


Take another Quantum Leap

Notice a quantum leap is a relatively new term in modern physics. It invites us to recognize unique experiences of evolution. As it is, evolution is widely assumed to be a slow process. Yet, a quantum leap cannot even be called fast. Its instant. It is like we disappear from one point, stage or life situation and appear in another vibrational state, at a different point or a different stage. 
And yet, electrons disappear from one point and reappear at another. As one comes to understand energy flow and realizes matter can take instant jumps beyond space-time, it dawns that we are also energy and have unlimited potential. So, as one develops the will, the courage, regulates energy, vibration and consciousness, anything is possible. Options exist to deepen the journey.
Some humans move instantly from sleep to awakening with alarms. A similar experience can occur from spiritual sleep to spiritual awakening. Only, the device or means to allow this to occur may differ. Some may use a progressive path of meditation or spiritual practices or psychedelics as a springboard. The pace is relative to readiness. There is no better or worse way to rediscover true nature. The direct experience of energetic shifts changes with consciousness.



Consciously Adjust your Frequency


Notice everything we sense or tune into, any frequency on the energetic radio dial, is calling or inviting us to see something specific to us. All we perceive is part of our own unique universe. Something only emerges as real to us as we perceive it. At times, we contract (resist/ withdraw from) people, places, things, ideas, situations, environments. As we take action that seems out of character, we are awakening. A more expanded version of us knows conscious change is rewiring the brain, healing emotional patterns, accessing a wider spectrum of knowing, accelerating energetic experience so we can hold more light in our being and blossom into a more fully functioning version of our true nature. With awareness, unconscious or fearful patterns transform. As we change how, whom and what we tune into, we can withdraw like a caterpillar preparing to go through metamorphosis. When ready, we shift octave, expand into a new consciousness. Sense of home, success, time, wealth, fulfillment, opportunity, love, harmony, service, shifts into resonance with the recalibrating version of us.
So, to align with new understanding or new level of authenticity, it is imperative to listen to intuition, let go of the who we thought we were to embrace what is waiting for us. As we come to consciously adjust our frequency, our self-view and whole world transform. Over a period of perceived time, we can read and re-read the same book, and relate to it differently, tune into different vibrations between the lines, even see versions of us in book characters as if in parallel realities. In truth, we simply function with different insight into the holodeck (holographic universe).




10 Ways to give Presence

As the festive season or occasions arise, people often offer physical gifts to others.  Another approach is to reflect on priceless gestures that can be offered not only for special occasions, but also to reinforce connection, acceptance and support everyday. For instance, people want to be seen and heard. Rather than offer 'things,' what if giving full attention is an appealing way to go? Consider 10 Ways to give presence as another kind of present:

1.  Practice Mindfulness

Tune into your physical sensations.  Ground yourself in the now. Feel your feet on the ground, the sensations on your fingers and toes. Be open to your environment. Tune into your senses. Be aware of feelings. Actively check in. Pay attention to your thoughts. Pay attention to how other people in your life are doing. Check in on your loved ones. 

2. Listen Closely

Be present to other people.  Validate their thoughts and feelings. Give them your full attention. Listen without thinking. In addition to verbal communication, use multiple forms of nonverbal communication (eyes, body language, nods when appropriate) to let others know you are listening. Limit splitting your attention between the person and technology. It is hard to tune into others or yourself when you are bombarded with distractions. Be present. Listen to intuition. (Refer to The Definitive Book of Body Language by Allan & Barbara Pease)

3. Honour Self-care

Meditate. Ask yourself what you want and need right now. During the holidays people get busy. Take time out for you. If overwhelm arises, step back.  Take a break. Notice when you are Hungry, Angry/Anxious, Lonely, or Tired (HALT). If hungry, don’t get angry—eat. If angry, take some space. If anxious, recognize you control how you feel/ respond. If lonely, connect with nourishing and supportive people or pets. If tired, nap.  Focus on your breath. When you're trying your best to focus, simply take steps to recenter self. 

4. Offer Service

Offering service is about being aware of what brings you joy and sharing the joyful vibration in ways that uplift others. In this way, we can engage in self-care and spend time with those who nourishing us, model both an act of self-care and its value.

5. Be Light-hearted

Spend time having fun by yourself or focus on what evokes light-heartedness.   Play outside—stomp on leaves, make a snowball, get a little wet in the rain, get warm when the sun is out. Be present to how others are doing and if they need a little pick-me-up, have a dance party for a song or two.  Limit the time you spend on social media.

6. Create Boundaries

Set good boundaries. No need to always be a “yes” person.  Modelling boundaries is useful for others to see in your life. This time of year, it can be hard to balance yours and others’ needs. Consider your emotional and physical health in the choices you make and actions you take. You can take a pause before responding to a request, especially a text or email. You can think something over. Boundaries are a two-way street; before you ask someone to do something, consider whether you are asking too much. 

7. Show Appreciation

Keep a gratitude journal. Ask others what they are grateful for. Acknowledge what matters to you. Let people know what you are grateful for them. It is okay to be proud of yourself and let others know when you are proud of them. Uplift others, as well as yourself.

8. Be Kind & Compassionate

Reflect on how you would like to be treated. Do them for another and/ or yourself. Don’t always do for others and neglect yourself. Watch what happens as we are kind for no reason. Remember, even when we get angry with someone, we still love them. Tell the closest people in your life often that you love them. Engage in self-love by telling yourself the same. Write post-it notes of kindness as little reminders. Surprise another person by showing you care.

9. Take a Break from Social Media

Recall what life is like without social media. Communicate with others through a call, a text, or a face-to-face visit. Turn off social media for even a few hours. We rely so heavily on social media that it is nice to do things offline too. Consider something completely natural unrelated to tech. 

10. Pay attention to energy

Notice duality is concerned with opposites. They key to everything is to find and align with balance. This happens as energy is the focus. Its insightful to notice our own triggers as well as ups and downs.  These are gifts we give ourselves. Notice in truth, we are more than every colour in every spectrum and every music note in every octave. Meditation is the path to let go of illusions, reclaim territory from the mind. As senses expand, we register new depth and texture, tune into a growing range of vibration, frequency, sound and light. Paradigm shifts echo changes in intensity, perception and expansion of consciousness. To know the nature of energy is to grow conscious of multidimensionality and blossom into new directions to feel more alive. Energy wisdom is the fountain of immortality.