3 Tips to experience more freedom

Many people say they would like to experience more freedom. It is useful to ask yourself what you mean by freedom, and from what or whom are you seeking it?
You might reply from certain people, conditions or society. You may change relationships or conditions and temporarily feel liberated Yet, notice what happens as you recognize you can only give or deny freedom to yourself. Here are 3 tips:
1. Recognize freedom begins and ends in the mind.
Thoughts are energy and this power is often underestimated. You can convince yourself you are constrained or held in some situation by circumstances beyond your control. Yet ultimately, you are the generator, organizer and dispenser of your thoughts. Your thoughts project your experience. You decide what matters. As a human being, you are free to choose how to think, free to respond to your own thoughts. The freedom you have is free will.
2. Reflect on what food and drink tells you about freedom
To see and feel that everything is interconnected (as it is), is to recognize what you eat and drink sends a message about the freedom you are ready and willing to allow yourself. Universal law says you receive and experience what you give. To choose to eat meat, eggs, dairy, or any animal products, it is like denying other living beings the happiness and freedom you think you want. This idea goes back thousands of years to the timeless wisdom of the Yoga Sutras. Yogis are often vegan or subsist on air energy (prana) alone. We each weave our own tangled web of karma until we are conscious and transcend it. Our perceived reality is being created from our own actions.
3. Be more aware of how you feel
When you agree with what life is showing you, you are in harmony with yourself. When you disagree with what life is showing you, you are in disharmony with yourself. You attune to and respond to what feels natural or to choose instead to tune out or be selectively aware. This is part of your freedom.
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