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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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10 Reasons your current role may appeal

Just for fun today, brainstorm reasons why you currently do the work or offer the services you do. This exercise invites you to draw attention to things you are not yet seeing in yourself.  Career transition coaching explores values and core motivations.  Consider  9 reasons people tell themselves their role appeals:

1) Desire: it fulfills various desires that you may not yet put your finger on

2) Trust: something about the envirnoment or colleagues stimulates trust

3) Belonging: feeling part of a select group with peer acceptance or recognition

4) Gratification: the nature of your work offers quick solutions

5) Leadership:  being a pioneer or boss appeals, all that triggers leadership-related emotions

6) Love: The need for love is common and people seldom find long-term solutions to fulfill this need. Does your product, service, work setting evoke love, nurture self-worth and appreciation from co-workers?

7) Greed: Good money may appeal to the ego and be a pivotal reason you do what you do.

8) Hope: Hope is what drives the human spirit to look for solutions and push forward even when things look bleak. When you offer solutions that enrich lives, health, relationships or careers, this can have staying power

9) Fun: when what you do keeps you feeling light-hearted and at peace wth yourself, you feel stimulated

10) Soulful: something about the way you do the things you do touches or expresses your soul and enables you to touch or comfort the soul of others

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