6 Tips to re-invent yourself

You read here with the desire to re-invent yourself. Whether or not you realize it, your human form is changing every moment. Cells are dying and being replaced by new cells. Packets of energy at every level are moving, even if this goes unnoticed. Her are six tips to consciously re-invent yourself.
1) Know this moment is a blank slate
Whatever you think you have done has no relevance to this moment. Observe the ego stick its head in, eager to judge and compare. Ego limits this moment in linear time, in terms of past, present and future. Soul only knows Now. Stay out of the clutches of mediocrity. Each moment the sun is shining in a new way, but only very few encounter it.
2) Change so often you defy categorisation
Its possible to have many tools in you toolbox or multiple rotating roles and still resist conventional labels. Do what inspires you. Have multiple roles if you resonate with that. Express those creative juices as they flow. This may be par for the course if redundancy hits, if your professional or leisure interests change or if generating money becomes a temporary issue. Come what may, relish every role and learn something.
3) Be self-taught
You can read books, listen to podcasts, watch youtube videos, paint or sculpt intuitively Come to see everything and everyone is a possible mentor that invites you to learn and unlearn. Its up to you to limit the scope or not.
4) If you take an initiative, go all the way
Be willing to pull all the stops, including detach from the familliar. This could mean shifting priorities and attention, letting go of certain relationships, roles and commitments. It could mean losing friends and your mind, alienating relatives. It is the willingness to let go of what you currently think is important to discover something as of yet unseen or unrecognized. Be open to what enters your awareness and run with it.
5) Trust intuition implicitly
This lifetime is a limited time warranty. It has a no-return policy. This moment is a gift for you to create what gives your life meaning. Instances of indelible awe, excitement and bliss are always available as are others.
6) Allow transformation to happen
Do whatever makes you feel most alive. When you are alive in the body, be the kind of person whose presence people wish to experience and will miss when you are gone. The willingness to change your mind, to free the mind of idle thoughts, is the willingness to shift perception and transform your sense of reality.
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