3 Ways to get closer to truth

Whenever an imbalance or illness arises, while its important to treat physical symptoms, unless you recognize and address underlying causes, physical difficulties simply continue. There's always more going on undetected by the logical mind and physical senses. This is an invitation to pay closer attention, to go deeper into what you resist seeing and addressing within.
1. Take responsibility for the process of your own healing
This is not about always doing everything yourself. Reaching our for guidance can be helpful. Deep healing is not about fixing physical issues. Rather, its a much broader process that gets at the root of underlying causes of physical, emotional, psychic or social disfunction.
2. Recognize your dysfunctional behaviours
Few people see themselves clearly. We see through distorted filters of belief which allows us to avoid facing what drives us at the core. This is about making core values that drive the shadow, conscious. So long as you feel unfulfilled or unworthy, for example, you are programmed to compensate for perceived inadequacy in your behaviours.
3. Sacrifice your dysfunctional behaviour
Making the conscious choice to give up certain behaviours takes a lot of courage. It may feel like a sacrifice. Yet, you cannot give up anythng real. When you are ready to explore the true meaning of integrity, and live this on many levels, you are getting closer to who you are. This is about remembering what the flow feels like. It is not about appeasing anyone. It is about letting go.
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