Redream a new dream

Dreams guide us through a profound personal and spiritual healing process. Each one prepares us for the unforeseen, that work that lies ahead. As we come to recall and document our various dreams and learn to analyze them, we can each quickly learn or rediscover the language of symbolism and metaphors. They provide a key tool for each of us to harness the power of our dreams for higher guidance.
As expansion happens, dreaming offers inreasingly valuable insight for spritual growth. It dawns one can have direct, contact with spiritual guides during dreams and sharpen insight into one's larger journey. Dreams redefine signs and signals that orient and potentially reorient our journey so we get "back on track" of the Soul.
As in The Law of One, Session 86, Question 7, the source said, "While the so-called conscious mind rests, this adept (oneself), may call upon those which guide it, those presences which surround it, and, most of all, the magial personality, which is the higher self. " (see
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