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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in awake (17)


Notice effortlessness is a sign of how much we have evolved into the cosmic flow. Effortlessness is what it is. The journey to surrender is mind-blowing. At some point, the entire universe conspires to allow dreams to be. Resources, teachers, insights, simply come to us, without need to struggle.
Like the lotus opening, its petals blooming to their fullest in their delicate colours. The whole world can vibrate to the rhythm of that single flower. Blooming happens without us. Simple, gentle, sacred expression in multiple dimensions.
At some stage virtually everyone has experienced this natural flow. Until one learns to let go consistently, merge with the flow, miracles seem to happen. Yet, miracles can happen at will. To set the intention, create the energetic need and resources arise without any effort. Regardless of the dream or how big the vision is, it just happens smoothly, fluently, and silently, without making any noise.
Many ask, 'when can instant manifestation be my reality?' When our entire existence is flowing as the living of ‘Who we are’ and ‘How we are meant to live’. Our intentions, thoughts, and intellect, our heart, energy in motion, focus, existence, and co-existence, all align. True Nature arises. Purpose we imagine for us and purpose of Nature, are in harmony. Obstacles vanish. As we become sufficiently skilled at lucid dreaming (being aware of dreaming), we will eventually find our lucidity active while we are awake, eyes wide open, in full clarity.
In essence, energy of all existence is dancing. Infinity dances from the heart. That limitless joy, source of inspiration and serene presence, enriches everything. It is also far-reaching, boundless, and infinite. Here, in this state, 'miracles' happen. Whether noticed or not, miracles happen every single moment. All great works arise here. This is where masterful co-creations emerge.



Do inner work, reap the benefits

Doing inner work on ourselves guides us to insights about the idea of God, the divine or sacred. The word is less important than the process of going iinward, feeling into what this is for yourself. What does it mean to grow personally? It implies you grow in maturity and awareness of issues you have inside of yourself: fears, desires, insecurities, needs, wants, self-consciousness, shame, embarassment, guilt, anger, resentment, the list goes on. These words refer to sample currents of energy unfolding within.
Consider the analogy of rocks creating disturbance or current in the flowing river. Simply removing individual obstacles to spirituality reveals the natural state of things. So why are we taught to make complicated what is simple? Obstacles we face are the roadmap to spiritual states of expanded consciousness. They are the pointers to a more peaceful existence, a completley new perception and vibrational sense of reality.
At the perfect moment, it dawns no recipe or technique exists to meet or get us to God or magically make us divine. Disturbances within invite us to see them as they are. This requires sheer honesty about what we are looking at and projecting into the external world. We have to be willing to see clearly. The path to liberation begins with our willingness to see the the nature of rocks which represent our own shadows.
We can evolve to look at ourselves objectively. This requires we rise above judement, complaint, self criticism. Changing our attitude about ourselves and what we see inwardly is a huge step to transforming our lives in ways that benefit Soul growth. To see the obstacles (garbage) within ourselves as they are is to reduce suffering around us. The bigger the obstacle we face, the more we reduce suffering.
Normally, those who are not awake are unaware of the nature of their thoughts and feelings and get lost in their emotions. They are unwilling to face truth, or take full responsibility for what they create. Rather than see what causes the disturbances in their lives, they may get stuck in survival mode, simply taking action the best they can to keep their head above water. IN order to get beyond this state, we must be willing to get out of the water, be the witness and see deeper into what is unfolding.



Love brings clarity

Notice love invites us to remove the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we can no longer accept or live within. The path of removing our masks, requires dismantling the life we have come to think is real, tolerating pain, and seeing through our suffering. What makes the journey worth it is we long for reality more than we want to hide inside illusions of those masks. Recall the story of the Golden Buddha. The gold of this buddha was hidden for centuries under simple plaster and clay. It went unnoticed, a reminder it seems natural we develop layers of ego coverings, that we learn ways of hiding, enhancing and ignoring our True Self. When we feel really fearful, the covering gets thicker, more solid. We add layers to what is always here and do not recall the gold. We are identified with the coverings and forget the Truth of Being, our genuineness. Turns out, "real" is not how we are made. Its not our outer coverings symbolized by plaster and clay. Something more formless, intrinsic and pure is awake. As we shine the light of awareness on the plaster coverings, we bring the warmth of love, humor, acceptance to those coverings. This is what melts them so golden authenticity shines through. As we grow more mindful of our patterning (represented by the coverings), we realize the illusion of the anxious, needy, lonely self. It dawns the underlying radiance is more true to who we are than the clay coverings. Wakefulness, openness, creativity, aliveness only shine through as we allow maturity, inner wisdom to reign. The poet Rumi reminds us that is is through love that pain transforms into medicine. We are our own healers that transform into beauty and goodness with perfect timing. We know we are supposed to love ourselves into healing, to face the ego states and love ourselves through it. The most fundamental layer of conditioning is the one that does not recognize the painful coverings are illusions. We hate ourselves for the coverings. We are supposed to love the coverings, the parts of the ego that make it hard to open tour heart to ourselves. When negative emotions arise, we are taught to dislike or hate ourselves, and the master emotion, shame shows its head as if "something is wrong with me/us". Every emotion has its place and can get amplified. We are culturally- rigged with a deep fear of judgement and rejection. Whatever comes up, we come to believe we shouldn't be feeling this way. The core feeling of badness imprisons us in the mind until we are ready to let go of the covering that glues itself to all other coverings. In the stress of life, we forget the subjectivity and realness of each other. The key to being real is to remove layers of conditioning, to listen more attentively to each other. The messages of bad "other" repeat. Shame is exacerbated by cultural caste systems. We are wired to not like our own conditioning and think that is who we are. The healing comes from seeing and loving the conditioning so it can become more transparent though we have an aversion to it. The gold of loving awareness is always available, much like the sun is always here regardless of how many clouds exist in the sky. Through love, all pain and suffering dissolve. Clarity remains.


Allow harmony to arise

Notice moving within, through and among diverse worlds is more common than often realized. Part of us never sleeps, creating and exploring infinite worlds. As the body sleeps, our consciousness weaves experiences to work out or through what is going on in waking life. In 3-D life, we engage energy consciously or unconsciously as thought and feelings to shift focus among relationships, pets, school, work and varied situations. Each focus echoes point of frequency on our cosmic radio dial. As a body-mind-spirit trinity, it is essential to step back and honestly evaluate the level of true contentment vibration we emit in each focus. Part of expanding consciousness is growing aware of signs and signals we are constantly transmitting. Are you emotionally satisfied and fulfilled in every focus or, is incongruence detected and ignored? Feel energized or drained? Thoughts produce ah-ha moments? Actions deepen connections? Balancing our trinity activates dormant body systems. Silence and stillness offer wisdom. Take moments to immerse in Nature and True Nature. Be open to conscious change. Know its also okay to shift gears spontaneously, let go of a focus energetically and surrender to whatever arises to bring awareness of harmony.


Awaken to the Truth

(Image Galactic Awareness Sacred Geometry by Nathalie Daout)

Notice that to feel truly alive is to be aware of everything that enters your conscious experience, to recognize visceral signs, signals and inter-connectedness of All. It is knowing each perceived challenge or obstacle is a cleverly orchestrated gift and wake-up call we offer ourselves to experience cosmic energy (Love) more fully.  Observe what happens as it dawns everything is a call for or message about love.