Tune into Resonance with Zero

(Sacred geometry image 444 by Endre Balogh)
Notice its your consciousness that sees, not your eyes. Otherwise, a dead corpse would see. Consider physically-blind painters that create breath-taking masterpieces, deaf composers of passionate music and expressive virtuosos who touch our Soul. They echo we exist to trust only our own living experience. This is not about ordinary 5 sense perception. Its about tuning into our True Nature, subtle senses within that do not change, that which will never leave or abandon you, which will not lie or deceive you (where all the rest will) for it is indestructible "aware" energy. This is the Source code speaking through your geometric being. We each receive and translate incoming cosmic energy through our filters until our mirror is polished. The Cosmos is not a computer program rather, its Nature's own intarnishable Blueprint. Its energy is aware and has intent, the play or display of which is called "love": aware energy that thrives from its own goodness (harmony with its own indwelling frequency). Consciousness is omnipresent in the Zero point of every torsion field, all things, no exceptions. As Source-made beings, we are born of a conscious universe. There is no absence of existence. It is only manifest or not. Words are simply translations of the original Math. If we are self lost in our own Torsion field of reality, we forget who we are. We are either free or not in our mind. Our own Nature alone has that power, but to access it, you need to love it strong enough and also yearn for what is only ever found in Silence. The Sound or resonance of the Zero Point allows total annihilation of the unreal through soundlessness. Shift to pure vibrate Love. Wide open pathways to infinite parallel worlds appear.
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