See through distractions

(cosmic chess board art by Lioudmila Perry)
Notice now is the moment to recognize and see through veils of distractions. Everything serves you. Seeing through distractions (psy-ops) executed by strategic teams is recognizing their aim is to keep us from looking within, from growing aware and valuing who we are. Truth is, side-operations (psy-ops) are designed to work on a holographic chess board to shift your attention between zones of events on Earth and beyond. When focused on a chess square, you only see from the view of what can be done to or by that area(piece). The idea is to keep people angry, fearful or entertained so they buy into creative information products such as conflicts, wars, or bomings, gossip, media, to control direction of attention and harness energy flow so we do not find what we seek inside us. As one goes inward, one discovers one is actually the master of the game. Tuning into the inner world guides us to discover that we each affect and influence our own outer world. Every external thing we focus on is distraction. Its a political game to distract people from their true goal, or core happiness. When your mind is hypnotized, or you numb out, you do not look within. Recall one side-operation leads you away from yourself, as a distraction, while the other can guide you deeper into yourself. It takes a psych-op to recognize a psych-op. If you do not recognize the game you are playing, energy is taken away from you. As you go beyond the game, see as consciousness, you are forever renewed. You recall you are in the game but not of it. It dawns a future version of your cosmic self is bringing you up -to-speed by engaging telepathically and interdimensionally with your brain, which, turns out, is an advanced bio-photonic quantum system. Your current brain is an ancestor in the midst of a quantum upgrade. Only then can your brain begin to fathom its future relatives on the scale of planetary and universal defense systems and beyond.
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