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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in awareness (633)


Facilitate a dying wish

Life on this planet does not always seem easy.  Amidst the constant acts of identifying and overcoming your own challenges, you may suddenly turn attention to help others realize a dying wish. Every gesture also helps yourself.  Part of you is in the process of dying, going through transitions. Another part of you is learning how to truly feel renewed. 

Whether or not you realize it, every moment teaches you based on how you choose to live.  Many people arrive at a point in their lives when they assist loved ones in primary care during illness.  You may do it directly or indirectly, hands-on or from a distance, for parents, grandparents or someone unrelated. How can or do you already help someone realize an end-of life  dream? What does it mean to you to be part of that?

Some people do not feel giving up the life they lead is a sacrifice when the alternative is genuinely enriching someone else's existence.  Changes in someone's health often trigger wake-up calls for family members. Do you ever ask yourself if such conditions invite changes in areas of your life?

To learn someone you care about is in an advanced stage of a serious illness might compel you to transform your life. You learn to turn thinking off, to re-awaken dormant power of intuition. You just do what is instinctive, what makes sense in the moment. This inner process opens channels of love within you that logic may have temporarily obscured.

One person's apparent crisis is everyone's crisis and also a blessing in disguise. The immortal soul dances through space and time and taps you gently when you are not being true to your authentic self. The dying wish of someone to accomplish a task with your help may hide another dying wish inside for you to be who you are. You do more than one thing unaware.

Wherever you are, stop as a meditation exercise.  Look around. Be everything you see. You are part of all things, and also part of something bigger you do not yet comprehend. Notice what you do and where you do it right now. Who is with you? Who's spirit do you feel nearby?  What you are not doing and what you stop doing are just as purposeful as what you are. 


Revive dormant levels of awareness 

As it stands, not every human being is yet open to what is often described as the inflow of "cosmic consciousness."  Some people falsely believe mystic messages they receive are delusions. Nothing could be further from the truth. This stuff actually stays with you or can be re-awakened if you let it;

1) Reflect on childhood. In the early years, children interact with what adults view as invisible friends, sense the presence of fairies, angels, magical beings and mythological creatures.  Enchanted worlds are within. They never actually leave you. You re-awaken anytime. Reality is multi-dimensional. Although your perception may shift, this does not alter what is.

2) Reconnect with nature.  You may have had pets as a child.  You interact with insects. You watch caterpillars, ants, worms and the like.  The need to survive compels behaviour that defies what Science tells you is possible. Consider the bumblebee. Science tells you its measurements and density are such that it cannot fly. Apparently, nobody told the bumblebee.

3) Sense evolution occurs in an instant. Humans are conditioned to believe it takes years for species to evolve. The distance between how you think and what is real is as far as you choose to believe. When Science tells you incubation periods and lifespans, this is only one perspective. From some vantage points, evolution is instantaneous. Time is an illusion.

4) Stop playing it safe. Listening to the stories of others or sleeping with books does not enable you to raise awareness through osmosis. To incarnate brings the responsibility to gain practical experience. No person skips layers of awareness.  Tapping into inner knowing happens in stages with context.  The divine Source is random order chaos on some levels. Your choices shape your destiny.

5) Unveil your dormant capacities.  Re-lign with the time-traveller side of you that is temporarily disconnected from your core.  Stop repressing your telepathic energy.  You are part of a multi-dimensional being interacting as part of an inter-dimensional race. You are not at all who you appear to be. You are working out karma, dharma and/or misunderstandings.  


Empty that cup of tea

Nan-in, a Japanese master during the Meiji era (1868-1912), received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen.

Nan-in served tea. He poured his visitor’s cup full, and then kept on pouring.

The professor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself. "It is overfull. No more will go in!"

"Like this cup," Nan-in said, "you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?"


Interview with Dyan Garris 

Dyan Garris guides clients with her gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. As a voice recognition psychic and trance channel,she helps people tune to and use power in the chakras, and be the best they can be.

After expanding my own insight into angel intuitive work through workshops with Heavenly Angels and Doreen Virtue, I learned about Dyan through her extensive writings and Blog Talk Radio. She kindly shares views on angel wisdom and energy.

Dyan, thanks for your willingness to share insight into yourself with our readers. When did you realize you connect with angels?

My earliest recollection of connecting with angels was at four years old. An angel came into my room and spoke with me. Although, they don’t really speak, rather, they just “communicate.” The angel told me that it was very important that I remember who I am. At that tender age there is no “doubt.” I didn’t have a definition of that word. My favorite book at the time was “The Littlest Angel.” I recognized the being that was communicating with me as an angel. I asked my sister if she could see or hear the pretty angel and she said no.

Did you ever doubt of this truth?

I knew what I was seeing and hearing, so I just didn’t have any doubt about it. I’m sure that helped lay the foundation for what was to come in my life. I just never had any doubt or fear of the truth. Therefore, I gave myself permission from a very young age to just be who I am. I learned to validate my own parking ticket, instead of having others validate it.

Explain how you attune to energy vibrations.

Everything is energy. Certainly we’ve been hearing a lot about that lately. It’s time for us to begin to understand and assimilate that and take it in as the truth that it is. Energy here is designed to flow in a certain way. When we understand how energy is designed to flow, it’s easy to attune to it. You just flow with it. You have to be willing to do that, however, as a first step.

What are the intentions of your soul?

I came here, as everyone does, to learn and teach about love. My intentions are to provide people with the tools they need for self-empowerment. That is what the entire Spiritual Toolbox™ is about. It’s a model for people to use for connection and alignment of purpose and co-creating.

How do you help people understand soulful experience is not limited to 5 senses?

I say this: We have our physical body that we are quite aware of with all of our senses. Then we have our spiritual body, which is no less real, but which we aren’t quite so attuned with because most people can’t “see” it. If you being to understand yourself as having a very real spiritual body, you can begin to understand how important it is to take care of it just as you would your physical body. The soul is indwelling. When we connect the dots, connect the energies that are contained in our spiritual body, with the physical body, there is nothing we cannot do. Limitations become an illusion and synchronicity becomes the order of the day.

Choose 3 things you resonate with that help you grow.

Meditation is one. Another is being willing to examine oneself at a very core level, and being then willing to get rid of what no longer moves you forward. This is where people have the most trouble. They hang on to things. Another is the willingness to love without conditions or fear. I am never afraid to love. The challenge in any moment is always to BE the love.

Share an experience where you know you were making the right choice yet, you were afraid.

I’ve never felt afraid of any choice I’ve made. It’s not that I’ve always made “right” choices. It’s just that I’ve never been afraid of them. All paths eventually converge to take you to wherever you’re supposed to be or go.

What does fear teach you?

Whenever fear arises, there is opportunity to return to love. It’s from love that we create, not fear.

How would you advise people who wish to reconnect with their authentic power?

The first thing is to get out of fear. The second thing is to examine what is blocking you at the root. The third thing is to learn how to live in the moment. And the fourth is to be willing to align with your purpose.

Scarcity of self-value means many people often forget who they are. What is the greatest gift?

Every single day is the greatest gift. There is opportunity in every single day to be who you are. It’s a choice.

You are a master of manifesting. You write on angel awareness, intutitive cooking, channelled messages, and other topics. To what do you attribute true success?

How sweet. Thank you. True success is measured by what is in your heart, not in your wallet. We achieve true success by just doing what we came here to do. Sometimes that doesn’t show up as our current definition of success (money). And that’s ok. It’s when we go chasing after trying to “make” money that true success eludes us.

 What guidance can you offer people who commit to goals, but do not realize them?

Goals are a function of the mind and of the wants, needs, and desires of the ego. It’s not that they are bad or that we shouldn’t set goals. It’s just that this is not where we create. The energy of creation resides in the root, not in the mind. Goal setting and intention setting is and should be a form of alignment with our purpose. Anything else puts us in a position of getting in our own way.

Any additional thoughts or ideas you wish to share?

Yes. We’re definitely starting to get it. When the universal Law of Attraction filtered in here as the truth that it is, people took it as a way to get what they want. That’s not the purpose of it. The Law of Attraction is but one step in the process of manifesting and co-creating. So it was very important that we learn it. But now we need to take it a step further. We need to take everything several steps further.

Thank you Dyan for sharing these insights. It is reassuring to many human beings to realize the positive forces of angels are everywhere, and accessible to everyone who chooses to believe.

Visitors are invited to learn about Dyan's Spiritual Toolbox™ full of products for multi-dimensional living and integrative healing. This includes the bestselling book “Money and Manifesting,” which was an award winning finalist in the USA National Best Books of 2008 Awards, a CD series of music and meditation for healing, Automatic Chakra Balance™, relaxation, and vibrational attunement of mind, body, and spirit, and a line of jewelry for Automatic Chakra Balance™.

For details about free spiritual advice column,  “Voice of the Magazine” for Multi-Dimensional Living, Free angel card readings in three languages and phone psychic readings by real psychics, and her Manifesting Therapy, consult


You cannot steal the Moon

Ryokan, a Zen master, lived the simplest kind of life in a little hut at the foot of a mountain. One evening a thief visited the hut only to discover there was nothing in it to steal.

Ryokan returned and caught him. "You may have come a long way to visit me," he told the prowler, "and you shoud not return emptyhanded. Please take my clothes as a gift."

The thief was bewildered. He took the clothes and slunk away.

Ryokan sat naked, watching the moon. "Poor fellow, " he mused, "I wish I could give him this beautiful moon."