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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in awareness (633)


Reach for what matters 

Analysis of dream submitted by Anonymous in Canada

Dream- my body levitates in mid-air in a nebula of colored gas clouds. The body is made of light and has tentacle-like threads of different lengths and diameters all protruding outward. The body has no eyes or external features. My perspective is from outside the light body. I see above and below it. Orbs of colors and sizes float at different levels above and below this body. A few of the tentacles touch a transparent bubble of medium size. I see through. Remnants of a dream are fading. I see a small being holding out layers of papyrus to me.

Predominant Emotions- anticipate, hope, love, acceptance.

Interpretation- It is becoming clearer that you are connected to the supernatural on seen and unseen levels. This is not a controlling or oppressive relationship, but  a symbiotic one.  As you relax, intentions can create harmony, balance and increasing awareness. Details that 'stick out' merit attention.

Clouds represent emotions.  They dim or obscure awareness that would otherwise be unobscured. You have hidden vitality and insight. Recognize pressure or impatience does not squeeze life out of Source. Accept and work with what is given.

As it happens, you have been a writer before, possibly in ancient times.  The Higher Self communicates constantly with the rest of you. Part of you realizes everything you do is but a flexible extension that teaches you to stretch, love and forgive.


Why its not what you think

To think about conditions does not mean you understand the mind or the point of the current exercise in a stage of your physical existence.  You may dwell on something you do not have or wonder why something is happening to you now.  Human beings do not always choose to be aware of answers available right in front of them. Why is it not what you think?

1) You say, "I cannot see it."  Another way to view this is you are not ready to create, uncover or accept the answers. Maybe you unconsciously look in the wrong place out of fear or, ignore a cluttered mind. Every thought evokes feelings that shift your focus from core emptiness and peace.

2) You harbour misunderstandings.  Some beings assume they do not deserve unconditional love. The origin of doubt, resistance and surrender is the same. Hear sound and become deaf. Think but remove ego. When seeing, become selectively blind. Layers of sight denote degrees of self- acceptance.

3) You make and hold what you do not see.    The perception of things creates noise, distractions.  Letting go releases everything you associate with a particular thing.  Attachment does not permit you to see or hear clearly.   To reach a state where you do not hear mental noise, you are free.

4) You recall everything is impermanent. Reality is self-explanatory. You decide if you are coming or going.  You decide which lessons you require and orchestrate the most meaningful ways to teach self effectively. Everything has already come to you. When the senses cease to be reckless, soul self turns on inner light. Remove filters from eternal sun.


How to build unshakable confidence

Something happened or, maybe you believe a series of events happened, to explain why doubt is permitted to exert such a hold over your mind. Human beings attune to intuition and trust the body implicitly to signal hunger yet, resist accepting other signs within that actually guide all facets of existence.  How does one build unshakable confidence in the core self?

1) Cultvate awareness all feelings allow you to grow.  Defeat, disappointment, and self-pity focus attention on loss, setbacks and dramas.  Uplifting energy is always offered from all directions.  The physical body generates negative energy as an urgent strategy to prompt you to pay closer attention.

2) Retain meaningful gems from every experience.  For whatever reason, the mind may nurture unhealthy or unrealistic ideas of which situation or relationship is best for you at a given moment.  This is an opportunity to learn to be kinder to yourself, to accept learning occurs in stages.  Be more alert to timeless wisdom readily found in unexpected places. 

3) Notice you believe what you choose.  Regardless of what the mind, body, spirit and experiences present, every fear based excuse you generate alters degrees of inner strength and self-acceptance.  You hold capacity to convince the self of anything through your decision of what is valid and intended.

4) Recognize love guides everything.  Every human being is more energetically-evolved than is consciously registered or grasped at this moment. As you teach the self to shift focus from moment to moment, you are bringing to conscious awareness your power to eliminate discontent and apparent reasons for it. Fear is generated as a projection about a possible future that you do not have to create. Love energy heals all. Unhappiness does not exist right now. It never has.

5) Jog the memory about immortality.  As unrecognized fear is detected and dissolved, it is easier to fathom energy evolves through physical and non-physical journeys. Implications are enormous.  While emotion hijacks attention, the mind blocks its own access to infinite inner knowing.  What is and what is in process of unfolding, remain denied.

6) Acknowledge the power of oneeness. Deliberate steps revive spiritual growth and evolutionary advancement. Human beings have different ways of understanding what this means and how it takes shape. Oneness recognizes all is connected. That is, everything and everyone builds collective energy.

7) View physical laws as overly restrictive. Rules are opportunities to uncover hidden beliefs that create them. Ego perception hampers accessing knowledge of innate abilities, ongoing non-physical cycles and obstacles to accepting personal responsibility. Humans often sceptical of levitation, moving physical objects with thoughts as well as phenomena that defy assumptions about physical laws. To explore the nature of energy reveals diverse misunderstandings.


5 Ways to reframe misinformation

Misinformation leads to confusion. Certain ideas in the mind arise from ideas that are misconstrued or misunderstood. People often question how they are meant to grasp certain pieces of information. You may wonder how you are supposed to sort through what you have been given. What next for you?

1) Recognize memory activators. Every word, image, sensation or idea triggers some level of recall. The nature of your recall is unique to you. As you experience 'eureka' moments, you gradually learn to discern the difference between conditioned reaction and timeless inner knowing.

2) Realize the same energy takes different forms.  Whether or not you understand the origin and Source of pure energy, you can realize it leaves from and returns to the physical plane with predictability and regularity.  One might conclude key information is made available to everyone.  Another perspective is that all information is always available in different forms.  This would mean its retrieved in stages by each person in forms that person is ready to ingest and accept.

3) Sense inner knowing is activated on different levels.  Every human being has the same innate abilities.  What you choose to sense and understand at a given moment is a matter of perception.  You have ability to shift focus and awareness whenever you choose.  As a person detects layers of fear, anxiety and worry, that person can learn to work through the underlying reasons for each one. Dissolving each fear illusion reveals a layer of timeless inner knowing based on love.

4) Grasp absolute misunderstanding is illusion. Part of you is always rearranging energy in order to simplify or otherwise make sense of it. Every cell is involved in this complex influx of information. Every energy being has more receivers than can be consciously counted or understood. Imagine your being as an intricate radio tower sending and receiving frequencies on levels that Modern Science is as yet unequipped to explain. Information you register and take on-board are not aligned. To realign all known and unknown (form and formless) systems restabilizes core consciousness.

5) Concede more is going on than you accept.  To have any insight into human-conceived science fiction confuses reality.  These inventions open parts of the conscious self to what it is not yet willing to accept. As an energy being gets the sense at times he "is not all there," this offers a glimpse of truth.  Only a small portion of your energy fills the physical body you view as yourself.  The rest of that core energy is not in the physical world and does not experience what your physical body does directly.  The part of you that resides apart is often called Soul.  Your incarnated physical being is drawn to reconnect with a Higher self which is perceives as immutable.  


Who to sit beside?

Analysis of dream from Anonymous in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Dream- I entered a bus through a rear door passed individuals in vibrant seats that reminded me of a futuristic spaceship. I was looking for a place to sit. Part of me was drawn toward a man who sat across from two women on the other side of a table at the back. He shook his head.  Then, I walked to the front of a bus and asked to sit next to a lady with gray air who filled the seat beside her with recycling. She sat behind the driver's seat. She told me the seat next to her was taken. I found keys in my pocket. I assumed the driver's seat, inserted keys in the ignition and ejected through the open sunroof.

 Predominant Emotions- ambiguous, reverent, and inspired.

Interpretation- You initially shirk responsibilities.  This enables you to explore options you do not know exist.  People attract you in part due to differences in attitude, lifestyle and behaviour.  Experience teaches appearances and emotional baggage do not change the universal lessons or core spirit.

Where you are reveals you are capable of adapting to different circumstances. Temporary efforts you make to conform to groups or mindsets do not permit you to strengthen a sense of belonging. This draws attention to your creative mind power, and initiates a key shift in awareness and perspective.

Pockets remind you that you have untapped abilities waiting to be rediscovered and used.   As you realize you unconsciously hide knowledge from your conscious self, you slowly come to accept your true self and take the driver's seat in your life.

Everything points to the same Source. You are in charge of the direction, dimension and orientation of your energy being. You are only limited by criteria you invent, impose and dissolve. You sit beside ego until you learn to detach completely and set the Soul free. Permit light to shine wherever you venture to go.