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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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7 Points of universal reflection

1) Energy is not created or destroyed, but can be reworked.

2) Growth arises through coping skills and understanding.

3) To dissolve fear and reframe risk readjusts karmic patterns.

4) Power and wisdom are rediscovered in perceived transitions.

5) The light a soul radiates is proportional to energy vibration.

6) Consciousness enables one to heal others and the self.

7) Attuning to the speed of energy particles shifts awareness.


Byron Katie & 15 Stories to awaken you 

Byron Katie publishes a new book called, Who Would you Be Without Your Story?  The book encourages every human being to take a second look at their assumptions to uncover hidden truths underneath. Learn how every person you meet teaches you profound lessons about yourself.  Consider the synopsis of her shared stories that invite you to awaken your senses;

1. Joe Is Irresponsible
An irate employee discovers that his anger with a co-worker is nothing more than a story he has told himself.

2. Sleep Disorder
A desperate woman learns that her panic-stricken world has nothing to do with reality.

3. My Mother Wouldn’t Approve
A young woman wants to become a musician, but worries about her mother's approval.

4. I Can’t Stand It That George Fell in Love with Linda
A woman realizes that she doesn't have to live with jealousy: it comes from her reaction to her husband's affair, not from the affair itself.

5. The Rent Increase
The way to accomplish change is to know that your enemy is your friend, even when the government raises your rent.

6. Welcome to Al-Anon!
A mother discovers that her obsession with her son's wellbeing is her own addiction.

7. Frank Bosses Me Around
How to deal with an apparently pushy co-worker.

8. My Mother Manipulates Me
A worried son spends his time thinking about his mother, and learns that he doesn't need her to be happy.

9. Cancer Ruined My Life
A woman realizes that her mental scars are the only terrifying thing about the cancer she's recovered from.

10. My Sister the Prostitute
A sister discovers that her worry is driven not by reality but by her stressful thoughts.

11. My Mother Made Me a Victim
A son blames his mother for his own failings and in questioning himself, discovers a love that he never knew.

12. My Husband Shouldn’t Have Left Me
A wife realizes that it was she who left her husband.

13. I’m Not Enough—and Some People Are Better Than Others
A man finally comes to terms with himself.

14. My Father Abused Me
A son finds the healing truth behind his emotional scars.

15. Scared and Angry at God
A woman finds peace in the thought of dying


Sound the voice of Happiness

After Bankei had passed away, a blind man who lived near the master's temple told a friend:

"Since I am blind, I cannot watch a person's face, so I must judge his character by the sound of his voice. Ordinarily when I hear someone congratulate another upon his happiness or success, I also hear a secret tone of envy. When condolence is expressed for the misfortune of another, I hear pleasure and satisfaction, as if the one condoling was really glad there was something left to gain in his own world.

"In all my experience, however, Bankei's voice was always sincere. Whenever he expressed happiness, I heard nothing but happiness, and whenever he expressed sorrow, sorrow was all I heard."

For further Zen koans, consult for example;

"Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.  And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears.  And how else can it be?  The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." -Kahlil Gibran


Reframe everything as love 

As events unfold in your life, the ego mind prompts you to interpret in ways that block the message of love.  To reframe, step back from what the ego tells you and consider the frame, or 'lens' through which this reality is being created. Understand the unspoken assumptions, including beliefs.  Consider how your perspective is enriched as you reframe everything as love;

1) View everything as useful lesson. The universe presents energy in such a way as to encourage you to create more loving relationships. This includes learning to view every person with compassion.  Through apparent joy and pain, you actually learn about love from many different sides.  It expands you.  

2) Reach out with understanding. Regardless of the magnitude and nature of experience, faith and non-violence are key. Reacting with fear, sefishness or other negativity, misses the point of why you exist now. Useful growth occurs through facing obstacles.  As one becomes aware, one has occasion to recognize and unlearn undesirable traits.

3) Recognize love as dynamic energy. This is reflected in the flow of giving and receiving.  Unconditional love is here whether you are open to it or not. Love goes beyond what you read. Love is felt by attuning to intuition, opening the senses and permitting all experience to touch the heart and expand you. It is about dissolving fear, feeling the bliss that echos everything and being that.

“A problem can not be solved from the same logical level it was created.” -Albert Einstein


What would best serve you?

The Zeitgeist Movement frames ideas for human beings to reflect and restructure from the ground zero. Modern societies are structured around what is perceived available and what is supposedly scarce. To realize scarcity is a social construct to perpetuate inequalities prompts review of alternatives.

Consider the world you know can no longer function as it has.  The environment is reaching limits os sustainability.  Zeitgeist proposes a technical, resource-based system evolves to replace the existing scarcity-based monetary system. As it stands, the average person does not know what things truly cost. Controlling interests keep it hidden and forge reality. This fuels a wheel of marketing and buying needlessly. Turns out, widespread borrowing against debt is not self-sustaining.

In the current state of world economies, its foreseen that unemployment will steadily rise, resources will dwindle and survival comes into question. This brings shifting boundaries and the disappearance of traditional power and usefulness of how societies are run. The Internet is completely shifting power dynamics, dialogue and what is possible. Nothing is static.  Transformation is imminent.  Yet, in which directions?

Rather than view related predictions as problematic, you could view this as opening doors to liberate human beings from ingrained roles and mindsets. This would and free them to develop differently. Consider these ideas and others that would best serve you as a human being at this moment;

1) Extend product lifespans. Everything is produced with the longest lifespan possible. Machines are not made to break down so they must be replaced. Automation evolves to enable self-checks and repair. This idea is backwards to items which are now designed not to last.  This perpetuates the illusion of dissatisfaction, and stimulates the will to buy and consume.

2) Increased transparency. Most people in society have no idea of what is truly possible. The current level of technological capability is hidden in part because of military strategy and information warfare. To move beyond the mindset of competition and war, to eliminate the need for self-interest, changes everything. Inadequacy, insecurity and power dynamics of hierarchies dissolve in favor of data-sharing for mutual gain. This presumes the fading of the ego mind.

3) Minimize redundancy. Rather than multiple entities producing the same thing in order to compete in price, the goal is to minimize redundancy and eliminate the need for competition. Distribution of items is organizedto satisfy basic human needs of everyone. Behind that is the desire to use resources in envirnonmentally-sustainable ways, that is, grow things in appropriate climates without creating a need for irrigation or growth in non-native areas.

4) Optimized recycling. The point of doing is no longer grounded in profit. All objects that become inoperable are made to be reused, recycled or otherwise applied in some meaningful or creative way. Inventions are inspired.  Nothing is wasted. 

5) Empower people to redefine identity. Human beings traditionally define self-image based on job and associated social role. What is the true occupational role? People recognize and react to observed patterns. They mentally reference what has been learned. This is a technical process. Its simply a matter of time before automation replaces technical roles. This frees people to dissolve illusion about who they are and get closer to the truth.

7) Delegate labour and decision-making. Ultilitarian roles are no longer only technical. Mental labour is increasingly delegated to machines. Logical reasoning is entirely a technical process based on the technical data we have at a given moment. Human minds are only capable of storing and processing a limited amount of information.Few areas of human operation is beyond the possibility of computers.

8) Moving beyond corruption & nation state. Governmental and corporate decisions are based on self-interest. So long as money exists, itactsas motivation, and possibility exists for corruption. The more information and variables taken into account, the more effective the decision. As traditional power dynamics are no longer useful, something new is evolving to replace them.

9) Centralize computerized databases. These worldwide networks contain all knowledge. Computers already focus all resources in a growing, earth-wide autonomic nervous system. Humans outgrow government as it stands. Former human roles in power structures are evolving to supervisory ones for machines.  People are to be solely responsible for environmental management and resource distribution.

10)Embrace creativity & spirituality. Freedom from the confines of traditional human labour and roles gives beings opportunities to develop themselves as never before. The only constant is change. Everything one thinks one knows is evolving at a pace. Given this reality, humans continue to align with energy, attune to higher frequency and recall oneness with nature. Expanding the scope of self-understanding brings meaningful insight, shifts energy equilibrium and extends survival.
