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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in awareness (633)


Read the signposts

Everything you experience is a kind of signpost or, riddle to be solved.  In a way, every being exists to decode or decipher his own being. Questions such as "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?" are guides to explore the unknown.

As regarding events you perceive with the physical senses, humans are currently living through tests for their humanity.  Anything you cling to in your own life is offering a lesson about change and detachment.  Each individual is invited to find a way to let go of old ways of doing to embrace new ways of being.  Being honest involves  remembering how to listen to your heart, being open to possibilities that defy logic.  Be aware there is always more going on than recognized by your filters of beliefs.  Notice what happens as you allow yourself to explore options presenting for you.  You are being by love rather than fear, expanding into more of yourself.


Focus is everything

Notice that focus is everything.  Your conditioned attention determines what you create and manifest.  It also determines what you notice and what you do not permit yourself to see or integrate into conscious awareness. Brace yourself.  The ego creates shutters with the mind.  It  prevents you from seeing with true clarity. Be aware the shutters are dissolving at your pace:

1) Notice what unfolds from the moment you only allow yourself to see blessings in everything.

2) Notice what unfolds from the moment you always take responsibility for your emotions.

3) Notic what unfolds from the moment you see wholeness and love speaking through all life.

4) Notice what unfolds as you recognize its not possible for anything to go wrong.

5) Notice what is arising in awareness as all your beliefs and judgements fall away.


5 Ways awareness is sharpening

At different life stages, its easy to notice changes in conditions, taste preferences, relationships, and inclinations of how and where to spend your time.  What may be less obvious is that it all comes down to slowly dissolving filters of the mind and simultaneous heightening of awareness through the lens of the heart. Recognize five ways your own awareness is sharpening:

1) Food awareness- you are increasingly aware of the nature of energy you ingest, digest and eliminate from food and drink.  You naturally make healthier choices, eating more fresh food and less processed. You may even develop allergies to eliminate certain foods from your diet or simply notice cravings for things like sugar, caffeine, wheat, dairy, subside with no withdrawl.

2) Sensory awareness- you increasingly recognize you obtain information through channels other than the familliar five senses.  That is, you no longer limit a sense of reality to the conditioned filters of your youth, but trust intuition, vibes and what cannot be explained more.

3) Boundary awareness- you increasingly feel connected to your environments and all that is apparently contained within them. In other words, a sense of separation, imaginary boundaries or Self (ego) is shrinking or dissolving. Compassion and kindness are growing stronger and shifting your focus to what is common and shared among all things.  

4) Dream awareness- you increasingly see through layers of your own dreaming, the lessons you orchestrate and the teachings you choose to integrate from this life experience into wider consciousness. You see no true experiencer or experience exists except what you imagine.

5) Love awareness- you increasingly shift to knowing that love and acceptance are the key to everything.  That is, how deeply you feel unwavering peace determines the harmony you see everywhere.  The degree you love self is mirrored in how lovingly you view the external world.


Create a new vision

The world that you experience begins and ends within your mind. It emerges as thought and dissolves from when it came. Now is the perfect moment to heighten awareness and recognize how you think and feel determines the nature of the life you live. Take responsibility for creating new vision. Let go of old beliefs and parameters.  Find harmony within and see every unfolding event as part of a larger harmony. The inner vision is what transforms the outer experience.


Follow your own clues

During pivotal moments, or periods of transition, it is common to reach out for advice about next steps to take. Guidance can be helpful to empower you to get your bearings, to gain confidence in yourself, or even open you up to existing abilities you are not initially aware of.  As you come to trust yourself more, begin to follow your own clues.  Notice what happens:

1) A-ha moments come fast and furious - you no longer have to plan where you are going or what what you are doing next.  Its as if people, places, conditions all present in your life, with perfect timing.  And so it is.   The universe is silently reading your mind without you saying anything.  

2) Questions arising are answered - you regularly find yourself dreaming answers to questions arising in your head.  Its like the inventor comes alive or you ease into the vortex of solutions without doors. The what always comes before the how. A peaceful heart reveals the how.

3) You only see synchronicity - you no longer think about randomness or coincidences.  Phrases like, "small world" or words expressing doubt or sarcasm gently fade from your vocabulary.  You feel every synchronicty is a stepping stone to the next waiting your conscious recognition.