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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in awareness (633)


Allow it to dissolve

People are taught the more they read and absorb, they more they know, the more knowledge they have. This is ego.  It creates the illusion of dissatisfaction, restlessness and insecurity.

Devotion is another dimension of intelligence.  It is often interchanged with the term, prayer. Yet, one can be devoted without praying and one can pray without being devoted. Devotion itself is not about repeating methodology.  It is not about doing.  Rather, its about being aware.   Devotion implies being selfless, de-void of Self, not self-interested.  It is merging with the flow.

Notice the nature of creativity has nothing to do with intellect.  When someone plays music by ear, the person is not learning.  The person is being one with the harmony. For someone to step outside the natural rhythm to teach how something was done, the very describing of it takes something away, makes the reptition mechanical.  You require no teacher to listen to the heart.

Kahlil Gibran echoes 'The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.' True nature cannot be taught or learned.  Many people come to think they have to struggle to be themselves.  The truth is any struggle you encounter is your own-self-created resistance.  Be aware and allow it to dissolve.


Less is more

Discover why less is more.  Talk less, listen more.  Think less, feel more.  Frown less, smile more.  Grumble less, laugh more.  Use the familliar five senses less, heed intuition more.  Be aware you are more that is ever imagined or measured.  Everything is a pointer to reveal what matters.


Savour the moment

From one perspective, the moment we share together passes in the blink of an eye.  From another vantage point, this moment is all that exists.  That which seems to pass disappears in the same moment something new arises.  Everything is self-evident as you inhale and exhale, leaving you breathless.  Savour the moment.  Be the Path.  This journey is a gift you give yourself.  Awareness of time and no-time triggers infinite revelations.  Be awake to true divine nature.


5 Ways to know change is in the air

Many people get wrapped up in the prospect of change.  How can you know change is in the air? 

1) Read your vibes. If you detect a sense of discomfort or restlessness, this is your physical body letting you know it is the right moment to make a change or let change happen.   

2) Watch your thoughts. As you notice desire arising, and find you are focusing attention on particular visions or ideas, this is a stepping stone to feeling the urge to do something differently.

3) Feel the waters. Feel life as a stream. You are either in the flow or going against the current. Change here is perpetual. The moving stream cannot be held onto.  To the degree you resist the stream, you feel the current is moving. Every emotion you feel points to the state of the flow.

4) Understand the system of waves. For every change, there is the unchangingYou are just as much light and darkness.  No waves have only crests or only troughs.  Cycles exist based on perception of space and time.  Space is inseparable from objects that occupy space.  The seen is inseparable from the unseen. Cannot have the ups or highs without the downs or lows of life.

5) See the underlying motive- the impetus for change is often the desire for a greater degree of permanence. As you come to see the true reasons for your choices, you can more clearly identify what you really want.  Decipher illusions you create for yourself.  The Path finds you.


What are you looking for?

As you participate in this world, you are invited to explore all the sensations and delights you can imagine. This gives life to the dream. Discover what you are truly looking for.

1) Appreciate the element of surprise. Notice you cannot consciously surprise yourself. Yet, it is through jolts of surprise that the most life-changing experiences unfold. Surprises are priceless. Who is the knower- creator of all surprises? Who is the experiencer? 

2) Listen to a sound. The whole point of mantra is that they mean nothing. The idea of repeating what is senseless is to liberate you from the notion that the universe means anything. 

3) Be open to Satori. Be totally selfish or continually altruistic and you come to realize you only come to realize yourself through the other. He that loses himself, finds himself. He that would save his life, would lose it. Revelations all point to the same message. Life is a teacher.