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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in bias (1)


Develop deeper understanding

It is said no person is born bias-free.  You may dream of nurturing perspectives other than those which focus the mind.  You may wonder how to work through your perceived belief systems and discard ingrained assumptions.  To be aware you have them may compel change. After all, you are self-determined and have power to shift the focus of your life.  Everything is a matter of perception and choice.

It can be helpful to explore and learn about people and situations.  Personal contact with people, traditions and ways of life that seem to differ from your own offer additional insight and realizing individuals are more than representatives of a stereotypical group reminds you of a common humanity.  Choose to sense deeper connections beyond distance and opposition.  Consider factors that can help you eliminate your own bias.  Reflect on your taste preferences and choices.  What do they reveal? How does it serve you to revise perception?