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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in belief (11)


Dream Analysis of the Week- Horse stuck in fence


So, I was walking along this path with a friend or 2, looking for something it seemed, somehow I had the feeling it was a misty morning. Anyway, we turn up this other path and I look up and see a bit of a commotion. so I hurry up and then see the horror or this bay brown horse that had somehow got its front legs tangled in the fence wire. But at a height just higher than my head. So, I am now this side of the fence, the horse is that side of the fence but its head is this side. There are a few people trying in vain to cut the wire with an old garden scissors, but nobody seems to stress.  I recognise the boy with the scissors as being in the same school my daughter was in well I see this and go into Panic mode. we must free this horse asap else it won't make it. I shout to those in that side of the fence to wake up and hurry up and get pliers from the house or garage behind them and cut the wire from this horses legs. Then I get a Christian lecture from this boy’s mother about my language. And all I am thinking is please not now just get pliers. And I am feeling so confused with the mentality of all these people. And what about this poor horse. Helpless. I woke up.


Invite you to start with the emotions that stand out: helpless, confusion, panic, horror, fear (of death).

Brown animals as totems echo strength, stability, and endurance. The moment a dream animal exerts effort to escape a trap or entanglement, it warns you to pay attention to what you resist releasing in waking life.  If your relationship with self needs some work, to embark in a healthy, committed long-term or deepen an existing relationship, raising self- esteem is key.  If during childhood, you were often given what you wanted without much effort, you may have to learn assertivenss, learn to communicate.

When fear is evoked in nature, we may be ready to integrate a new level of awareness into our lives. How do we cultivate more self-love? Do a task you have been postponing.  Put yourself out there and create a kind of community to reflect self-love.  How can we be more autonomous in the way that we are living our lives? How do we speak to ourselves (self-talk)? What is our entourage like? Is there camaraderie, loyalty?  Are you nourishing soul growth?

Fence dream symbols often echo or emotional or relational boundaries. Are you ‘caught up’ in situation that evokes discomfort? If you or someone you know is at the ‘breaking point,’ what gets you over the hump is the decision that “I must feel better.” The revelation happens that there are things that must change for you to live a different life.  We learn about people when we observe them relationally.

Dream pliers are symbolic of a deep desire to. fix something. Resolve your family conflicts.  When we can accept ourselves despite our flaws then we can love a partner despite our flaws. People who judge themselves harshly also judge others harshly.   Choosing well and discerning well requires you know your needs well.  Are you a communicator and is this person open.

Scissors in a dream are part of your quest to eliminate anything non-essential from your lifestyle. This can be feelings and thoughts that you keep, yet disregard. Figure out what you cannot live without in a relationship and do not settle.  What is healthy is people who know themselves, who are kind and who communicate.

If you believe your needs are less important, then you are prone to co-dependent relationships and may have abandonment.  If you think your needs are more important than someone else’s, then you are selfish.  We are not given many examples of enduring love, of what happens after the honeymoon phase.  Everyone deep down is capable of that.

Our greatest opportunity for healthy soul growth is through relationships.  A bad relationship is not good for health.  Trust, safety are foundational.  Do you want to be a great partner.  If you do not feel protected, if you do not feel like you have the freedom to express yourself, then control may be an issue. When we support each other to deal with our own stuff reveals we can be here without having to control a situation. (i.e. Do you want me to give you a hug, support, you listen or do you want my advice?)  What is the source of your beliefs, morals? Religion? If you feel stuck in an area of your life, you have the power, ingenuity,  resourcefulness and awareness to get yourself out. The nature and pace of change is up to you. Nobody can rescue you but yourself. Everything in the dreamechoes a part of your state of mind.

We offer Dream Consultations for single and multiple dreams as well as an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course.



Shift from Belief to Awareness

Notice many people talk about what they want and wonder why it all does not simply show up. Turns out, if we are not in vibrational alignment with what we are requesting, it cannot show up. This is the Universal Law of Energy in motion.
Truth is, as our vibration increases, we start to achieve and experience harmony with the universe on many levels. Some remain unseen. For those we do see, this has nothing to do with random occurrences, "getting lucky" or stumbling on the right people or opportunities. The higher or more expansive our vibration, the more we consciously control our reality, align with what resonates in our Soul.
Many ways exist to sustain a higher vibration. In essence, its about creating body-mind coherence, so the body and mind work in perfect synchrony, like an orchestra with many instruments. To align with core vibration stabilizes us on a frequency much like each of us can tune into a preferred station on a radio dial.
Come what may, attitude and consistent practices are important. This is how we rewire the brain, create new connections and simultaneously raise our energy. All this has huge consequences in the external physical world. Of course, its one thing to read about a concept. Its quite another to put it into practice and manifest directly for ourselves in real time experience. This is the path of the alchemist, the Hero's journey. That is, an energetic shift occurs from belief in heresay to awareness of what is always here and allowing it to enter our field.

Reach a Turning Point

Notice a turning point occurs as we truly walk fully into our own souls. The body of the moment is irrelevant. We allow our moral compass to point us in the right direction. Though the wave may at times be so powerful it flips us over, we can recall how it feels to come right-sideup, come to float or rise. The universe knows the ultimate destination. Signs of the transcendental spiritual metamorphosis surround us. Those tuned into Source heal or align with energy, light. This is felt in touch, words, and creative expression. Magic describes the cosmic science that is not yet consciously understood.

Throught the ages, conscious spiritual explorers are aware that souls are eternal and expand in wisdom through an ongoing series of incarnations in parallel dimensions and timelines. The soul will take a particular form after another, to fulfill a given purpose, and contribute to the collective spiritual evolution and the essence of existence itself. Sometimes souls exchange places, jump timelines, realities or change forms mid-stream. We eah incarnate to bring information forward in unique ways.

Life transforming revelations and shifts occur during some of the most chaotic period in Earth's trajectory. The government corruption, COVID-19, major health, economic and environmental crises, general death of old, can be reframed as stepping stones or growing pains required for rebirth. It is a period of challenging belief systems and comfort zones.

Imagine, even for a moment, that this planet is not what you are led to believe. Your physical senses are not revealing the whole truth. Opening the mind allows us to grow receptive to the broader truth that we are not alone in this universe, galaxy or moment. Gain insight into the nature and autonomy of the cosmic soul and accelerate a deeper journey of remembering.


3 Tips to Accept Innate Worthiness

To accept innate worthiness, implies you accept you are worthy without doing anything. The essence of your being is love, which means your basic nature, when functioning freely, is constructive and trustworthy. Love, in this sense, is not a romantic emotional state, but rather, a rational, coherent, and positive intelligence, guiding your life forward with subtle and ordered complexity toward goals the Soul aspires to realize.

In a nutshell, it is your essential loving nature establishes your worth and belonging as a human being, meaning you are inherently perfect exactly as you are right now, have been in the past, and are in the process of becoming. It’s the truth and science backs it up. The fact that your worth as a human being is inherent means it is always true. There are no conditions you need to meet, no prerequisites to qualify you, no accomplishments required to earn it. Your worth is not earned; it’s given. Your successes and failures in life neither increase or decrease your worth. Whether you live in a mansion or on the street, you are worthy. 

The research of Brene Brown reveals only one variable that separated the people who have a strong sense of self-worth and belonging from the people who struggle for it. That variable is that people with high self-worth believe they are worthy. They accept it as fact (which it is). Your unqualified acceptance of yourself as worthy is fundamentally all it takes to experience it.  Your basic nature drives you to fulfill your potentials. Something within guides you to express and activate all your talent and gifts to enrich your life and reach your full potential.  Consider 3 Tips to accept innate worthiness; 

1) List of qualities you experience when you are at your best.  Simply jot down 10 words or short phrases that describe your experience when you’re in the flow, in the zone, consciously co-creating with love and things happenThis will help you identify the experience of the directional force emanating from your essential nature.

2) Know the code for your essential nature is embedded in the very neurocircuitry of your brain, unwrapping to express the creative, curious, explorative, playful, constructive, peaceful, loving, joyful, compassionate, sharing, and cooperative forces within that move you forward toward self-actualization.

3) Repeat positive affirmations and femonstrate them to yourself in practice, What you are is good enough, and all you have to do is to be it openly. Transcend struggle, shame and self-doubt, by proving otherwise.  Although you are by your very nature intrinsically worthy and forward moving, your inherent core of worth is so overlaid with layers negative thoughts, fears, and doubts as to feel nonexistent. Thus, your challenge is to remove the layers of fear and negative thinking so your intrinsic worth can emerge naturally. 


3 Key pointers to the best advice ever

Many people ask what is the best piece of advice to guide you wisely through life.  Everyone collects such gems. Some have more impact and widespread relevance. Reflect on those punchy gems that are instilled by mentors and have a timeless effect on your evolving purpose or mission.

1.  Do not believe anything anyone tells you

No matter how much you read or how many mentors you consult, the only way to know is to experience directly for yourself. Knowing is not the same as belief. Knowing is awareness that cannot debate and requires no external proof.

2. Never look back and regret anything about the past

The key to everything is to be focused on the here and now.  Allowing the mind to wander into the past is simply a distraction from who and where you are.  Seeing everything as a lesson that keeps you in this moment.  Your materialistic life, you must live it as if you are going to die today. Do not waste time on activities that do not challenge and expand you. Stop talking.  Be a doer.  As for your spiritual life, see yourself as eternal and learn to function from this place of understanding.

3.  Never waste teachings & wisdom on those who do not listen

Choose carefully those people in whom to invest your attention and energy. Trusting intuition is about feeling your way into relationships and situations, learning available lessons and feeling the way out of what you outgrow, or creating something new that resonates with your Soul.  A key take away is to pay closer attention and listen to your vibes.  Logic can be a stepping stone to situations and valuable life lessons.  Yet, in a rigid condition, logic prevents you from experiencing anything. It can trigger suspicion and doubt. If you refine your logic based on changing insight and awareness, logic can be the Way to your liberation.